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In weakness

By Sara Published about a year ago 1 min read
Photo by Miguel Bruna on Unsplash

i mistakened cowardice

for bravery

when I locked the door

and tossed the keys.

when I turned my heart to ice

so the veins in my blood freeze

i thought I was strong.

i felt empowered

when I looked at the world through the iron bars

of my window.

i was scared

and I didn’t want to say it

so I found comfort in hiding

behind strong things

hoping that their strength

would enter me.

i was running

but I kept my breath even

so no one could tell

i was weak.

because it is strength to feel

to love

to know you might be betrayed

and love anyway

because you can endure it.

i found the power in surrender

when I shed my iron chains

and opened my heart

because it’s allowed to break.


About the Creator


Don’t look for love.

Be love.

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  2. Heartfelt and relatable

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  3. On-point and relevant

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