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Stranger in the Land


By James GreenPublished 8 months ago 1 min read

In the fields, the flowers grew.

Colourful. Splendid! What a view!

All of a sudden, smoke arrived. It was a shock to those just passing by.

"What is that smoke?" A passer-by asked.

"Don't mind that. It will soon pass." A local answered his question as she bicycled through.

"You mean this is normal?" He beckoned to someone new.

"Normal as the day. Doesn't this happen where you're from?" Another bicyclist replied as she rang the bike's bell with her thumb.

"No! Not at all!" He was left stunned with dismay.

The fields of flowers descended into madness for the rest of the day.

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James Green

Weaving words into captivating worlds, this author's storytelling will transport you to realms of imagination and leave you breathless.


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