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Stranger at the Door


By EldritchPublished 3 years ago Updated 3 years ago 3 min read

Here I sit cold and alone, awaiting Catherine, my sweet.

It has been so long, she should've been back, I can no longer feel my hands or feet.

Every night something comes to my door,

claiming it's her, beckoning we meet.

It paces the porch, back and forth, but when the sun comes out it retreats.

With the sun in the sky, I scream and I cry,

But no one hears a sound.

In the forest so deep, with the snow and the sleet, now I know I will never be found.

My body is broken, so many words left unspoken, and now to this chair I am bound.

The cold grips my body, my mind turns foggy, and now the night comes to surround.

Tonight it begins like all nights before, with a rapp, rapp, rapp at my door.

The whispers fill my ears, as they play on my fears, so loud that I cannot ignore.

It screams let me in, I can't let it win, but I'm afraid that I can't take much more.

It scratches and wails, it pulls at the nails, And it's black fingers begin to explore.

And it's black fingers begin to explore.

It searches and finds, it circles behind, and now eyes peer at me from under the floor.

The floorboards creak, my body is weak, and now I begin to snore.

I dream of Catherine again, of when our lives did begin, the sun shining off of our love.

The blessings we had, when our love was mad, and the favor of the good lord above.

Where could she be? I hope she is free, soaring the sky like the dove.

My dreams turn to black, of the strength that I lack, just hoping for one last embrace.

Of Catherine's body alone and frozen, dead and no motion, and how that thing has stolen her face.

I awaken to screams, it's not part of my dreams, could she still be alive and well?

I yell back into the snow, a whisper answers from below, "no one escapes from this hell."

My limbs are frozen and blue, I know I am through, but this beast I have to quell.

There is no hope, I cannot cope, I know I will die in this chair.

So I write this to you, for now I am through, In hope someone finds out I was there.

When night comes again, I know it will win, so now I'll bow my head in prayer.

Oh my sweet lord, I do so implore. Do not let me fall into despair.

The night will be falling, it will be calling, and I have no time to prepare.

The sun is now setting, there will be no forgetting, what it has done to Catherine my sweet.

If I take it with me, Catherine could be free, and then I could die complete.

I give my legs the command, I try to stand, but instead I shatter my feet.

I lay broken and asunder, it laughs from under, now I know there is only defeat.

Night has come, my body is numb, I await for my fate to be.

I've lived a good life, had the love of a wife, now the reaper comes for his fee.

So much left to do, how can I be through, is there no one to hear my plea?

It stares through the glass, no longer wearing its mask, it smiles a sinister grin.

The window smashes, with its hand it unlatches, It could've always broken in.

It slips and slides, until it's right by my side, and now it wears my skin.

surreal poetry

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    EWritten by Eldritch

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