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Starry Night Sky: A Celestial Symphony of Beauty

A Poetic Ode to the Mystical and Majestic Universe above Us

By Nikhil ThalePublished about a year ago 1 min read
Starry Night Sky: A Celestial Symphony of Beauty
Photo by Tyler Clemmensen on Unsplash

Beneath the starry sky so bright,

I gaze up at the stars in sight.

The moon, a shining crescent light,

A beautiful and peaceful night.

The stars like diamonds in the sky,

Sparkling bright and catching my eye.

The Milky Way a wondrous sight,

A cosmic river of starry light.

The constellations above, so clear,

Forming shapes that we hold dear.

Orion's belt, the big and small bear,

Guiding us with their celestial glare.

A shooting star streaks across the sky,

A fleeting moment, it passes by.

A reminder of the magic up high,

That enchants and leaves us awry.

The night sky, a canvas of dreams,

A place where the imagination teams.

The beauty of the stars it seems,

Endless wonder, a sight to glean.

Silent and still, the world below,

As above, the stars aglow.

Each one shining with its own light,

In the vast and endless night.

The Milky Way, a river of stars,

A celestial wonder that is ours.

Stretching across the dark expanse,

A cosmic dance, a cosmic trance.

Orion's Belt, a trio of gems,

A hunter's guide, a night's hymns.

And there, the North Star so bright,

A constant guide, a shining light.

With wonder and awe, I gaze up high,

As the stars twinkle in the sky.

In this moment, I feel so small,

But also a part of it all.

For in this vast and wondrous view,

I see the beauty of life anew.

And as I stand here in the night,

I'm filled with a sense of delight.

Oh, the beauty of a starry night sky,

A sight that fills my heart with a sigh.

May we never take for granted,

This wonder that's so enchanted.

surreal poetrynature poetryinspirational

About the Creator

Nikhil Thale

I am a tech enthusiast and blogger with a passion for exploring the latest advancements in technology. I understand that choosing the right laptop or PC can be a daunting task, I also write poems in my free time.

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