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Stardust Whispers

The essence of stars falling from the sky

By Sanamdeep SinghPublished 8 days ago 1 min read
Stardust Whispers
Photo by Denis Degioanni on Unsplash

Stardust Whispers

In the velvet expanse, a twinkling sea

A million diamonds, scattered wild and free

The stars, like tears, from heaven's eye

Falling, falling, as the world says goodbye

Their whispers echo, a gentle hush

As the night's dark canvas, with shadows rush

Their light, a fragile thread, now severed and worn

A fleeting beauty, forever to be torn

Like meteors, blazing hot and bright

They streak across the sky, a celestial light

Their fragments scattering, like shattered dreams

Leaving only silence, and the echoes of screams

But even in darkness, their essence remains

A cosmic dance, of particles and grains

The stardust of our souls, forever aglow

A spark within us, that the universe bestows

In the stillness of the night's dark breast

We find our own small place, amidst the celestial quest

For in the stars that fall, we see our own demise

And in their whispers, our deepest fears realize

Yet in the void, where stars once shone so bright

We find a beauty, that's not of this night

A promise of renewal, from the cosmic dust

A chance for rebirth, from the fragments we trust



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  • Khan8 days ago

    Beautiful poem ❤️

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