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What is uttered?

By Lorenzo BlandPublished 2 years ago 1 min read
Photo by Andreas Fickl on Unsplash

I've never been as close to anything

As I have been with you

The solace of your presence

Brings peace to my essence

Like mouth-diving into a bottle of handcrafted marinara

Like images of an oasis as we travel through the Sahara

You thrive under my tool with the bald point

Like splashing waves and roaring coasters at Cedar Point

Every part of your being can congregate

To give a description of life's perfect meaning

As my thoughts spark the imagination of your creation

You allow me to have control

You're a comfort against unwarranted comdemnation

I tried living my life without you

Only to realize my foolishness in doubting you

In your absence my mind became cluttered

No matter how hard I tried

Clarity I could not muster

You bare the fruit within my pages

Like science fiction movies that dabble in mystic explanations

Like a strike that occurs when one knocks down ten

You ensure that no matter what happens

The end result is always to my benefit

You're the key to my happiness

One of Yahweh's most precious gifts

Like the breath of life we need in order to exist

You are my weapon against turmoil

The power I wield when I something to be done no more

You are one of the reasons I was born

A necessity in my life

Like card games that taught me how to count

Like poetry in motion

You bring power to what is spoken


About the Creator

Lorenzo Bland

Hello. My name is Lorenzo and I own my LLC called Nawey where we advocate for mental health while specializing in creating art forms that use faith, hope, and love to foster better relationships between people and their communities.

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