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Speak Like Kings

Communication Mastery

By Brother ChancePublished 5 months ago 1 min read

In the realm of spoken grace, where words weave,

Men embark on a journey, a skill to retrieve.

Communication, an art profound,

A symphony of words, in silence, resound.

First, attune your ears to the whispers of the breeze,

Listen keenly, learn to understand with ease.

For in comprehension, a bridge is built,

Connecting minds, emotions fulfilled.

Speak not to conquer, but to share,

Let empathy guide you, showing you care.

In the tapestry of dialogue, weave respect,

A foundation strong, mutual intellect.

By Victor Barrios on Unsplash

Choose your words as one selects a gem,

With care and consideration, lest they condemn.

Craft them thoughtfully, like an artisan's delight,

For in linguistic finesse, futures take flight.

Silences, too, hold a language profound,

A moment's pause, a thoughtful sound.

Let them breathe, let them bloom,

In the space between, understanding will groom.

Nonverbal cues, the language untold,

Expressions, gestures, stories unfold.

Master the dance of eyes, a gaze sincere,

Confidence and warmth, dispelling any fear.

By Rishabh Dharmani on Unsplash

Feedback, a mirror reflecting the soul,

Honor its wisdom, let personal growth be your goal.

Critique not as an adversary,

But a guide on this journey, a luminary.

Adapt, evolve, in the dialogue's tide,

Learn from each ebb, each flow, each stride.

For communication is a lifelong skill,

A perpetual quest, a journey uphill.

In this symposium of voices, diverse and grand,

Find common ground, where understanding stands.

Men of eloquence, wisdom, and grace,

May your words enlighten, elevate the human race.

By Nick Fewings on Unsplash

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