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Echoes of Eternity in Nature's Melody. .

By Johnpaul Okwudili Published 7 days ago 2 min read
Photo by pawel szvmanski on Unsplash

In the beginning, there was only the sea—
vast and limitless,
stretching beyond the horizon
where sky and water merge
in an eternal embrace.

The sea sings to me
with a voice ancient and deep,
a melody as old as time itself,
carrying whispers of forgotten tales
and dreams lost to the waves.

I walk along the shore
where the sea kisses the land,
its rhythm a heartbeat
echoing in harmony
with the pulse of my soul.

Each wave is a verse
in a ballad of ebb and flow,
a symphony of crashing crescendos
and gentle lulls,
a dance of currents and tides
choreographed by the moon.

I listen to the sea's stories
as it caresses the shore,
revealing treasures
from the depths of its embrace—
seashells and driftwood,
fragments of ancient pottery,
whispers of shipwrecks
and lost civilizations.

The sea carries memories
in its depths,
echoes of sailors' chants
and mermaids' laments,
the laughter of children
building sandcastles
and the tears of lovers
parted by cruel fate.

I breathe in the salt-laden air,
taste the tang of brine
on my lips,
feel the cool touch of sea spray
on my skin,
immersed in the embrace
of nature's symphony.

The sun dips low
on the horizon,
painting the sky
in hues of crimson and gold,
casting a fiery path
across the water's surface.

I watch as seabirds
soar on invisible currents,
their cries blending
with the sea's song,
a chorus of freedom
and wild abandon.

Beneath the surface,
life teems in myriad forms—
silvery schools of fish
darting through sunlit waters,
sleek dolphins
leaping in joyful arcs,
majestic whales
singing ancient lullabies
to their young.

I am humbled
by the sea's vastness,
its power and majesty,
its ability to both nurture
and destroy.

I think of sailors
who navigate by its stars,
trading tales
of storms weathered
and shores discovered,
of adventures
that spanned continents
and centuries.

I think of fishermen
who cast their nets
into the depths,
their livelihoods
bound to the sea's bounty,
their stories etched
in calloused hands
and weathered faces.

I think of poets
who find solace
in the sea's embrace,
who capture its essence
in verses that echo
like waves upon the shore,
forever seeking to capture
its elusive beauty.

As night falls
and stars emerge
like distant lighthouses,
I stand on the shore
and listen
to the sea's eternal song—
a hymn of beginnings
and endings,
of love and loss,
of hope and despair.

For the sea is a mirror
of the human condition,
a reflection
of our own depths—
mysterious and profound,
yet constant in its allure.

And as I turn
to leave its embrace,
I carry with me
the songs of the sea—
whispers of wonder
and wisdom,
echoes of eternity
in the rhythm
of each crashing wave

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Johnpaul Okwudili


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    Johnpaul Okwudili Written by Johnpaul Okwudili

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