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Singer's voice enchants.

Nothing would remain the same

By ARJ GamingytPublished about a year ago 2 min read
Singer's voice enchants.
Photo by Alex Radelich on Unsplash

Nothing would remain the same,

As the singer's voice filled the air,

A melody so sweet and pure,

A song that captured hearts and souls.

The notes flowed effortlessly,

As the singer's voice rang true,

And the world stood still in awe,

Of the beauty that it knew.

Each word carried weight and meaning,

And every phrase was like a dream,

The singer's voice a gentle breeze,

That swept away life's painful seams.

The audience was spellbound,

As the singer's voice soared high,

And every heart was lifted up,

To touch the clear blue sky.

The rhythm pulsed through every vein,

As the singer's voice took hold,

And nothing would remain the same,

As the magic did unfold.

The world was transformed before our eyes,

As the singer's voice did shine,

And every heart was filled with hope,

As the music flowed divine.

For a moment, time stood still,

As the singer's voice rang true,

And nothing would remain the same,

As the melody did renew.

The power of the song was felt,

In every beat and every rhyme,

And every soul was lifted up,

To heights it never knew to climb.

The singer's voice was like a light,

That shone through every heart,

And nothing would remain the same,

As the music did impart.

The notes danced in the air,

As the singer's voice did play,

And every heart was touched with grace,

On that enchanted day.

And so we sing this song of love,

And we raise our voices high,

For nothing would remain the same,

As the melody did fly.

For music is a universal language,

That speaks to every heart,

And nothing would remain the same,

As it does its healing part.

So let us cherish every note,

And every word that's sung,

For nothing would remain the same,

As the melody is strung.

And though the song may end one day,

And the singer's voice may fade,

We'll hold the memories in our hearts,

Of the magic that was made.

For nothing would remain the same,

As the singer's voice did ring,

And every heart was filled with love,

As the music did take wing.


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ARJ Gamingyt

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