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Shut up

And Be Here

By its really good to see youPublished 3 years ago 2 min read
Shut up
Photo by Yu-chuan Hsu on Unsplash

My favorite philosopher’s philosophies

Can be boiled

Down to

“Shut up and Be Here”

As if we all had that choice

And they’re right

We do

But the fact remains that we don’t

It’s not that we lack the means to sit still

It’s just that we won’t

And then we take the spiritual gifts of Symbolism

Coat them in our task addled neuroticism and

Make Life or Death of the Cosmic Joke

We strip our lives down to biproducts of manufactured Hope

Every day of our uninspired lives and struggle to cope

Every Now and then a new attachment provides us a rope to a new view

An invitation to a new You, but it always comes at a cost

That often consists of a Coffin filled to the brim with

Who and What

You thought

You were

And so we don’t celebrate our newfound elevation

We look


And Mourn for all we’ve lost

Consumed with lamentation

And the blessing of Noticing that is why I’ll always recommend meditation.

The practice of witnessing and receiving Life

With no expectation

Engaging and merging with Now

As it is

With no hesitation

And if there is


You’ve received another invitation.

To where?

You might ask

For what?

Why? I might reply slyly.

Is it not enough to exist?

Isn’t this all that you know?

It can be quite stifling to consider that there’s no where else to go

But just as liberating to realize that there’s no where else to be

Nothing else to see

But what’s here

Nothing else to perceive with your ears beyond what’s near

We’ve been programmed to contemplate ad nauseum

That which is not.

We don’t cherish our moments as they come

We frantically scramble to capture them in frozen, lifeless imagery

In denial of the day when we wake up and view the carcass of a half present moment and realize

We Forgot.

And the blessing of accepting that is why I’ll always recommend Meditation.

It’s not because it makes you smarter

Even though the relaxation is a real kick starter for the mind

It’s not because you’ll never be sad or angry or hurt

In fact you’ll find yourself more often in the dirt

But you’ll find seeds of wisdom there that you’ll plant in the fertile soil of Soul

It’s not because Awareness allows you to attain any goal

Even though the gold we have buried deep in our Soul is

A home made of Philosopher’s stones.

No. I’ll wrap this up and Be Clear

To me, the meaning of life is myriad and infinite

But every single possibility in the Unified Field

Requires us to

Shut up and Be Here.

surreal poetry

About the Creator

its really good to see you

I am Jay.

My goals are to creatively encourage you to cultivate genuine self love and to free your mind.

I invite you to step into genuine tranquility and light.

I offer seeds for the garden of your body, mind, and soul.

I hope you plant them

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