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She believed against the odds

Maria DC

By Maria DCPublished 2 months ago 3 min read
She believed against the odds
Photo by Ryan Moreno on Unsplash

In the heart of a girl named Faith,

Resided a belief, strong and unwavering,

That no matter the trials life may lay,

She'd rise above, her spirit never swaying.

Amidst the storms and darkest nights,

She stood tall, a beacon of light.

With courage burning in her soul,

She faced each challenge, she was whole.

Through every stumble, every fall,

She found the strength to stand up tall.

For deep within, she held the key,

To unlock the doors of destiny.

No matter what the world may say,

She knew her worth, she'd find her way.

With faith as her compass, she'd sail,

Towards the dreams that would never fail.

Alone she walked, yet never alone,

For in her heart, a fortress was grown.

She believed in herself, her might,

And in her darkest hour, she found the light.

In the depths of despair, she held tight,

A belief unfaltering, shining bright.

Though love seemed distant, she dared to dream,

In the face of darkness, a flicker's gleam.

Love eluded her, yet her heart stayed kind,

Amidst the cynics, hope she'd always find.

Through storms of doubt, her spirit soared,

Trusting in goodness, she never ignored.

Betrayed by those she called her own,

She refused to let her faith be overthrown.

In the wreckage of friendships, she found her strength,

Resilient in belief, against any length.

Amidst the chaos, she found her way,

Guided by faith, she knelt to pray.

In God's embrace, she found her peace,

And in His plan, her worries ceased.

In the depths of despair, she struggled to breathe,

Each day a battle, each night a silent plea.

Amidst the cruelty life relentlessly threw,

She held on tight, her spirit renewed.

She longed for love, a gentle embrace,

To find solace in arms, to feel grace.

Yet if love eluded her, she'd still find her way,

With strength in her heart, she'd seize the day.

Through the darkest nights, tears may flow,

But in her resilience, a fire would grow.

For she believed in herself, in her might,

To navigate the storms, to emerge in light.

Though loneliness whispered in the silent hours,

She refused to be defined by its powers.

With each step forward, she forged her own path,

Embracing the journey, despite its aftermath.

Love may be fleeting, but her spirit endured,

With courage as her guide, she remained assured.

Each trial she faced, a testament to her will,

To keep moving forward, despite the chill.

So she pressed on, with determination strong,

Knowing within her, she always belonged.

For love may come and go, but her faith remained,

In herself, in her journey, she sustained.

The Strength of a Woman

In the depths of trials, her spirit shines,

With unwavering faith, she faces the lines.

Her will to go on, a beacon of light,

Guiding her through the darkest night.

Through storms and struggles, she stands tall,

With courage in her heart, she conquers all.

Believing in herself, she breaks through the chains,

For in her strength, limitless gains.

The strength of a woman is her faith,

Anchored deep, it guides her path.

Through every trial, every test,

She rises above, she's truly blessed.

Her will to go on, relentless and strong,

In the face of adversity, she marches along.

With determination burning bright,

She turns challenges into flights.

And when she believes in herself,

There's nothing that can dim her light.

For in her heart, she holds the key,

To unlock her dreams and set them free.

Feel free to buy me a coffee if you liked this poem, please. Thank you!


About the Creator

Maria DC

Maria, I am a Writer, a News Contributor, a Blogger, and a Copy Writer. Writing is my passion. I will love to contribute to many sites with my writing. I will love to make this a living.

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