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By ShalløwPublished 2 years ago 1 min read

Life within twirls in majesty my threads of fate blackening

Masquerading subtleties of happiness, pretense to pain left maddening

Foreboding past trashing in vain, That spectroscope of sin never slain

Time rushing, furiously, fluttering like plum blossoms in autumn

Leaving those at bottom behind as success is savored like sweet wine

Desires are sought seeking to find them leaves most lost

All temptations yet free have scourges and costs, often worth naught

Being distraught and stressed clouds the mind from seeing we're blessed

Hoping upon a star we reach heavens gate, but being human limits our fate

We seek the world and sparkly things hoping we can achieve our dreams

Then give up after contributing nothing but have a desire for change

Hypocrisy exists within most places of life, our own leadership

Doesn't hesitate to cast it's citizens under the knife

However we adapt and move on, society convincing us to be strong

We as people will always believe it and as the people we'll never see it

Sad it truly is, but we must seek to live, we just continue

to pass the issues onto the next generation of kids


surreal poetry

About the Creator


Be the light others can't show, Be the water to the ones who can't grow, Be the friend others wish to know. Don't lose yourself to pain because it might never let go. 031

-19 made it into college lol


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