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Sad Poetry Love Mood

3 beautiful and attractive Sad Love Mood Poems

By PhoTucPublished 4 months ago 1 min read

Poem: Why Are You Far Away?

Send me a love poem

And ask for a moment of our time together

Ha came back filled with pain and suffering

The cicadas calling phoenixes evoke immense sadness

Where are the days of wild love?

And where is a vast world of pink sunshine?

I sit, I wait, I watch

Dreaming about sweet memories of the past

People returned there on a rainy afternoon

And do you remember the old days, my dear?

The rain brings fresh green grass

But my heart tightened and I smiled unhappily

This afternoon I feel heartbroken

The sweet dream is far away, it can't be helped!

Birds are tired of flying on the back of the hill

Ask her, why are you so distant?

Poem: Why Are You Far Away?

Poem: Street and you

Why are days so long without you?

The sun is not bright and the clouds are sad

The lonely street is sad and makes me walk home

Staggering figure as the sunset falls

The day you weren't there, my heart stopped beating

Just keep waiting for a distant promise

If you have forgotten, why will my heart always be heavy?

What to find in the vast wilderness?

The street is empty and he has nothing to look forward to

Only you stay with the next season

Sipping wine forgets the humiliation

Borrow the bitter taste to dispel the sadness in your eyes.

Poem: Street and You

Poem: Where to Go?

Every night, I count my steps helplessly

Wandering, soul and body pretending to watch

Where do we go tonight?

To forget - forget all the pain of a lifetime

Wandering through the cold wind and rain

Wandering and trudging, tears are lingering

The night is dark and monochromatic

Wandering around, nibbling on the pool of human sadness

Wandering around looking for someone to return

Waiting anxiously... A little bit of doubt

Every night... Counting the longings

Step by step, sadly, lost in the night...

Poem: Where to Go?

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About the Creator


I will update articles about life, society, stock market, prices,.......

Thank you everyone for your interest in these articles of mine, Thank you all

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