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Rooster's Sunrise Serenade: A Family's Morning Tale

Beneath the vibrant morning sun so high, A tiny rooster crows with might and pride.

By Mui KiPublished 7 months ago 1 min read

Beneath the vibrant morning sun so high,

A tiny rooster crows with might and pride.

At dawn, in colors of the newborn day,

The rooster shines, with wings spread, takes flight.

Feathers of crimson, eyes big, round, and bright,

The rooster performs, a folkloric dance in sight.

On the courtyard, it brings nature to life,

A dance from the heart, like waves taking flight.

Each step so graceful, wings poised to glide,

The rooster crafts a song, cheerful and right.

As the day breaks, fresh and full of light,

The rooster shines, its spirit taking flight.

Amid its family, happiness abounds,

Mother's care, and father's guidance, they're always around.

The tiny chicks, with grandpa rooster, they thrive,

Creating a warm nest where love will never divide.

With each morning's meal, savoring the morning dew,

Mother hen shares tales, so cute and true.

The chicks, eager to eat, with hungry eyes so wide,

The rooster family, forever their hearts are tied.

Under the moon's glow, so tender, so serene,

The tiny rooster calls, in voices crisp and clean.

Their land, where the rooster and family reside,

Their family's love, forever by their side.

And now, let us raise our voices high,

In honor of the rooster, who lights up the sky.

Under the morning sun, towards a future so bright,

The rooster and family, hearts full of love and light.

nature poetryhumorart

About the Creator

Mui Ki

I seek profound emotions through writing and convey them to the readers.

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  • Dharrsheena Raja Segarran7 months ago

    Awww, this was so sweet and lovely! Such a wonderful poem!

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