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ROMANIAN Marin Sorescu poem in translation ("Nudism")


By ANTICHRIST SUPERSTARPublished 3 months ago 3 min read
ROMANIAN Marin Sorescu poem in translation ("Nudism")
Photo by Monika Izdebska on Unsplash


Cartload of mud with a bucket

For the women who practice nudism.

When I was younger, I had a better opinion

Regarding women;

However, someone needs to do this job

And that is the problem.


They do not steer clear of me anymore

I go by the name of "the one who brings mud"

And I foresee their nudity ahead.

In fact, I don't even bother with them anymore,

I refer to them as "women who mud themselves"

And I think about my own business.


Sometimes it takes me over by surprise

A tremendous appetite for cursing.

The divine beings of your life

Of your younger years

Of your older years

Of your happiness

Of your romance

Of your matrimony

Of your ideal.

Every one of these gods

Pass themselves off as mud of the highest quality.

Anyway, women see it as excellent

And anoint themselves with it.

_ _ _ _

Căr nămol cu o caldare

La femeile care fac nudism.

În tinerețe aveam o părere mai bună

Despre femei;

Dar trebuie să facă cineva

Și treaba aceasta.

Ele nu se mai feresc de mine

Mă numesc "cel care aduce nămol"

Și-și văd înainte de nudismul lor.

De fapt eu nici nu le mai bag în seamă,

Le numesc "femeile care se înmolesc"

Și mă gândesc la ale mele.

Uneori mă apucă din senin

O poftă grozavă de înjurat.

Dumnezeii tăi de viață

De tinerețe

De bătrânețe

De fericire

De iubire

De căsătorie

De ideal.

Toți acești dumnezei

Se prefac în nămol de bună calitate.

În orice caz femeile îl găsesc foarte bun

Și se ung cu el.

Reflections on Disillusionment: Exploring "Nudism" by Marin Sorescu

In Marin Sorescu's poem "Nudism," the speaker reflects on societal perceptions of women and their practices, intertwined with personal introspection and philosophical musings. Through vivid imagery and introspective narration, Sorescu delves into themes of societal expectations, disillusionment, and the human condition.

The poem opens with a stark image of mundanity -- a "cartload of mud with a bucket / for the women who practice nudism." This seemingly mundane task sets the tone for the speaker's reflections on women and their societal roles. As the speaker reminisces about his younger years, he admits to holding a more favorable opinion of women. However, the necessity of the task at hand, symbolized by the mud, brings about a sense of resignation and detachment.

The speaker's identity is defined by his association with the mud -- he is known as "the one who brings mud." This association highlights the speaker's alienation from society and his role as an outsider. Despite his detachment, he possesses a keen foresight, symbolized by his ability to "foresee their nudity ahead." This prophetic insight hints at the speaker's deep understanding of human nature and societal dynamics.

As the poem progresses, the speaker's disillusionment becomes apparent. He no longer bothers with societal conventions and refers to women as "women who mud themselves." This reductive labeling reflects the speaker's disillusionment with societal norms and his desire to focus on his own affairs. The repetition of "I think about my own business" underscores the speaker's detachment and introspection.

The poem's tone shifts with the sudden emergence of a "tremendous appetite for cursing." This eruption of emotion suggests a deeper frustration and disillusionment with societal expectations and the human condition. The speaker's invocation of "the divine beings of your life" reflects on the various gods that govern human existence -- from youth to happiness, romance, and matrimony. These gods, however, are depicted as impostors, passing "themselves off as mud of the highest quality." This metaphorical transformation underscores the speaker's cynicism and disillusionment with societal ideals.

Despite the speaker's disillusionment, women perceive the mud "as excellent / and anoint themselves with it." This final revelation highlights the enduring nature of societal expectations and the complexities of human behavior. Despite the speaker's detachment and disillusionment, societal norms persist, and individuals continue to conform to them.

In conclusion, "Nudism" by Marin Sorescu offers a poignant exploration of societal expectations, disillusionment, and the human condition. Through vivid imagery and introspective narration, Sorescu delves into the complexities of human nature and the enduring nature of societal norms. The poem serves as a reflection on the human experience and the often-futile pursuit of societal ideals in the face of disillusionment and detachment.

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"the marginal people of the former Soviet states are being ground up in Ukraine...A front can be an especially great way of getting rid of troublesome peoples."

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Very well written. Keep up the good work!

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