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Reflections on the Tranquility of a Mountain Lake

A Poetic Journey of Serenity Amidst Nature's Beauty

By Nikhil ThalePublished about a year ago 1 min read
 Reflections on the Tranquility of a Mountain Lake
Photo by Sophie Turner on Unsplash

A mountain lake, serene and still,

Reflecting trees and distant hill,

A place where nature's beauty reigns,

A peaceful haven free from strains.

The water clear, a mirror bright,

Reflecting mountains, a stunning sight,

The gentle breeze that stirs the trees,

Creates a symphony of peace and ease.

The rocky shore, a resting place,

For creatures big and small in grace,

The rustling leaves, a soothing sound,

In this tranquil haven, pure and profound.

The sun sets, the stars shine bright,

The moon reflects in waves of light,

A place where peace and beauty meet,

In this tranquil mountain retreat.

Oh, mountain lake, so calm and still,

A place where time seems to stand still,

A haven of tranquility,

In nature's boundless majesty.

Silent, serene, a mountain lake

Reflects the world, so pure and great

Its surface like a mirror glass

Reflecting mountains, sky, and grass

The breeze is calm, the air is still

The lake is tranquil, free of thrill

No ripples stir, no waves disturb

The peaceful surface of this curb

Surrounded by the mountain's grace

The lake invites you to embrace

The calmness of this pristine place

And all your worries to erase

The fish that swim within its depths

Are hidden from the world's tempests

The lake is their secret haven

Where nature's beauty is unshaken

The trees that tower by its edge

Provide a shelter, like a hedge

They seem to whisper a soft pledge

Of peace and calmness, without an edge

As the sun sets, the sky turns gold

The lake reflects, the beauty bold

The mountains, sky, and trees aglow

In harmony, a perfect show

The tranquility of a mountain lake

Is like a dream, one cannot fake

It's nature's gift, a sacred shrine

A place where peace and beauty align.

nature poetryinspirational

About the Creator

Nikhil Thale

I am a tech enthusiast and blogger with a passion for exploring the latest advancements in technology. I understand that choosing the right laptop or PC can be a daunting task, I also write poems in my free time.

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