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Mortal gaze.

By Zack C.Published 11 months ago 1 min read
Photo by Anne Nygård on Unsplash

In realms beyond the mortal gaze,

Where dreams ignite, where wonders blaze,

A tapestry of words I'll weave,

To make your soul both tremble and heave.

A whispered tale of love's cruel sting,

Of shattered hearts that yearn and sing,

A symphony of sighs and tears,

Aching hopes and haunting fears.

Within the depths of darkest night,

Where moonbeams weep and stars take flight,

I'll conjure verses, raw and true,

To pierce your heart and make it rue.

For love, a tempest, fierce and wild,

Can leave us broken, like a child,

Yet in its wake, a beauty lies,

A bittersweet, celestial prize.

Oh, let the tears stream down your face,

As sorrow dances, leaving no trace,

For in the tears, a cleansing grace,

And strength to rise, to find your place.

Through valleys deep and mountains high,

In realms of pain where angels sigh,

I'll paint a portrait of your strife,

And gift you solace, etched in life.

So shed those tears, my dear, my friend,

In sorrow's embrace, we shall transcend,

For in the depths of poignant woe,

A seed of hope begins to grow.

And when the final verse is sung,

And silent notes remain unsung,

May tears of sorrow blend with joy,

To birth a love that will never destroy.

So let these words flow through your soul,

Like rivers, rushing, making you whole,

And if they move you to tears anew,

Know that my epic poem touched you too.

sad poetrynature poetry

About the Creator

Zack C.

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