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Real strength starts from being alone

Solitude is the beginning of success

By Annette H DouglassPublished 2 years ago 4 min read

Solitude is not loneliness and isolation, not equal to emptiness and boredom, but a state of mind - a state of mind that can be forgiving of everything.

In this state, the solitary person has his world of thought, which is full, which is free, and which is also poetic, as Mr. Lin Yutang said.

True strength starts from being alone.

01. Independence of oneself, the fullness of time

To be alone is not to be isolated from the world, to be separated from all human affairs, but to be in a state of spirituality, not to be happy, to do one's best to realize oneself in independence.

A solitary person has an independent nature, he knows that he can only rely on himself in this life, eat with one hand, walk on one pair of legs, and be an independent self.

He has more time to find a path in his own life, to face his mind in the dead of night, and to reflect on himself in the early morning.

Solitude, in his opinion, is a kind of enjoyment, enjoying this light wind, this rain, and all things in this human world.

Loneliness made him learn how to survive in adversity, learn to listen to his innermost voice, and use the abundant time to learn much useful knowledge.

This, above all, is the most important.

Life in the world, time is not much, many people are tired of socializing, and rarely have time to open themselves up independently, so that does not quietly, re-acquaint themselves with the world.

And people who come alone can use the time well and quietly pull out the top.

In the company, because Liu Li was solitary and not liked by his colleagues, yet he was able to use the time of other people's party to work diligently, and finally gained the favor of the leadership, finally a step toward the sky.

Such a person, at the cost of diligence, quietly brings his plans to fruition in solitude, step by step pragmatically, showing his charm.

02. Do not agree with others, create your own

Most of the people who come alone are determined, let the wind and rain, gritting their teeth to persevere to the end, while they have a unique vision, do not agree with others, do not blindly with the group, have their own clear goals in life, and work quietly toward the goal.

The group does not mean that you have a real friend, and not a group does not mean that you do not even have a heartfelt friend, In this world, heartfelt friends are few and far between, the world is bustling for profit, the world is bustling for profit too, the so-called friends, everything is an illusion, and when you have nothing, you know better than when a person alone.

In solitude, sharpen your mind, create yourself in solitude, do not agree with others, not the same circle of people, why waste your energy, barely intervene?

A person who is detached will focus more on his inner world, and a person who focuses on creating will also lead to the alienation of interpersonal relationships.

A friend, from the first step into the world of online writing, started to be alone, writing in solitude, self-regulating in solitude and filling up with more knowledge, which made him stand out and become a god of online writing.

He creates in solitude and pays more attention to his inner world solitude, such as enriching the spiritual world and making himself more connotative.

03. good People are often solitary

Someone said, "Sheep and cattle are often weak, but the really strong wolves and tigers are alone."

In this world, the strong survive and the weak are eliminated. If you do not strengthen yourself, you will be eliminated by life.

Learn to enjoy solitude, learn to be alone, your spiritual world is your own, never subject to the influence of others, no need to change yourself to meet someone, and no need to lose precious time for some unnecessary socializing.

A disciple asked Zen Master Isshin: "When meditating, why do some brothers fall asleep while sitting?"

Zen Master Yi Xin shook his head helplessly and said, "They are simply lonely and bored, and when one's spiritual world is truly self-cultivated in solitude, you will find that the mind floats, it can swim in both heaven and earth, and also in the ocean, and can do everything under the sky and on the earth, such people can understand the true meaning of life in meditation, how can they fall asleep? "

The disciple nodded his head, so he concentrated on meditation.

The truly excellent people are solitary.

People, to be excellent, to become more powerful, please learn to come alone, after all, this world, you, is you, no one can replace you to walk the road of life, rely on the mountain will fall, rely on the water will flow, only you can complete their lifelong glory.

sad poetry

About the Creator

Annette H Douglass

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