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Puerto Rico

Forever Shining, in the Caribbean Light

By Svilleg6Published 2 months ago 1 min read
 Puerto Rico
Photo by Wei Zeng on Unsplash

In the land where the sun kisses the sea,

Where rhythms of life flow wild and free,

There's a spirit that dances, a soul that sings,

In the heart of Puerto Rico, where passion springs.

From the cobblestone streets of Old San Juan,

To the mountains that rise, where legends spawn,

Each step is a beat, each breath a rhyme,

In this island of enchantment, lost in time.

With the scent of café and the taste of mofongo,

We carry our stories, our legacy, our bongo.

In the sway of our hips, in the beat of our drum,

We celebrate our culture, where we're from.

From Taíno whispers to African drums,

Our heritage echoes, as the music hums.

In the colors that paint our vibrant streets,

Resides the soul of a people, proud and complete.

So let the coquí sing its lullaby,

Underneath the Caribbean sky.

For in Puerto Rico's heart, we find our truth,

In the rhythm of our island, forever youth.

In the heart of la isla, where history breathes,

We weave tales of resilience amidst the palm trees.

From the struggles of the past to the dreams of today,

Puerto Rican spirit shines in every way.

In the eyes of the abuelas, wisdom gleams,

Their stories a tapestry, rich with dreams.

They carry the legacy of those before,

Guiding us forward, forevermore.

With every plena, with every salsa sway,

We honor our ancestors in our own way.

Their blood flows through us, their strength endures,

In every beat, their spirit ensures.

So let the waves crash on our shores,

As we dance through the night, under starlit doors.

For in Puerto Rico's soul, we find our song,

Forever proud, forever strong.

Yo soy de aski! como lo es el Coqui.

Friendshipsurreal poetryslam poetrysad poetryperformance poetrynature poetrylove poemsinspirationalGratitude

About the Creator


I wear many hats: entrepreneur, 5-star hospitality pro, and a passionate cook who loves whipping up delicious meals. Here, I share stories, tips, and inspiration for those on a similar journey. Join me for more creations.

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