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Please HELP!

In a wrong place , I seek for help

By Jeff koliPublished 9 months ago 1 min read

In times of need, when skies are gray,

When debts pile high, and bills hold sway,

I gather courage, set aside my pride,

To seek a hand, where hope abides.

With humble heart and open hand,

I cast my worries, where dreams expand,

To those who listen, understand,

In this embrace, my plea is planned.

I ask not for fortune or vast wealth,

Just a helping hand, a bit of stealth,

To mend the cracks in my life's shell,

To rise again, from where I fell.

In vulnerability, strength is found,

Asking for help, my voice unbound,

For in unity, we bear life's load,

Together, we'll tread this arduous road.

A friend in need, is a friend indeed,

So I reach out, plant this tiny seed,

To those whose hearts are filled with care,

Who'll lend their light, and show they're there.

It takes courage to admit the strain,

To cast aside the fear, the shame,

But in this act, a bridge we build,

Connecting hearts, compassion instilled.

I'll stand tall, though broken now,

And face the trials with furrowed brow,

Yet in this struggle, a lesson I'll see,

The power of love, the strength to be free.

To those who offer their helping hand,

Your kindness, like a warm sun, will land,

Guiding me through the darkest hour,

Empowering me to regain my power.

So thank you, dear souls, for your embrace,

For lifting me up, providing grace,

With your support, I'll heal and mend,

And one day, I'll be someone's helping hand. YOUR HELP MEANS ALOT TO ME ,My email is [email protected]

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About the Creator

Jeff koli

Pure Facts in Life!

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