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Paws of Valor: A Poem of Canine Superheroes

A Canine Symphony of Love and Courage

By Henry BergPublished 11 months ago 1 min read
Paws of Valor: A Poem of Canine Superheroes
Photo by Dzmitry Dudov on Unsplash

In a world of trials and plight,

Where darkness loomed and shadows bite,

A hero emerged, not in capes of red,

But with wagging tails, by our sides, they tread.

Amidst the chaos, a bond was sealed,

Between a boy and a dog, revealed,

Autism's grasp on him was strong,

Yet Daisy's love helped him belong.

With powers beyond what eyes could see,

Daisy's heart soared, wild and free,

In Harmonyville, they roamed as one,

A tale of valor had just begun.

Daisy, a hero of Autism's plight,

A beacon of hope in the darkest night,

She sensed his fears and whispered grace,

Guiding him through life's crowded maze.

A symphony of senses, they played,

In harmony, their bond conveyed,

Daisy, the poet of unspoken words,

A melody of love, like singing birds.

Together they faced the world so vast,

Each challenge met with courage amassed,

Through parks and streets, they'd roam and run,

Their journey, a dance beneath the sun.

With every step, a tale unfurled,

Of Daisy, the hero, changing the world,

In Harmonyville, hearts touched by glee,

As her paws painted dreams of unity.

Through her eyes, a lesson clear,

That superheroes could draw near,

With wagging hearts and fur so grand,

They'd heal our wounds with paw in hand.

In Harmonyville, her legend soared,

A testament to love restored,

A poem etched in every heart,

Of Daisy's grace, a work of art.

So let it be known in every land,

A hero's strength lies not in hand,

But in the love that they impart,

With paws of valor, they heal the heart.

nature poetrylove poems

About the Creator

Henry Berg

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