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One Friend

It's Me

By Daniel Freeman Published about a year ago 8 min read
One Friend
Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash

Trigger warning: self harm, suicide. I do not condone what is said in the poem.

Dear third wheel,

I have one friend and he’s trying to Leave me.

I want to help him out, but he wants me gone.

He already has his only friend right here.

He shouldn’t be asking for more of them now, right?

Does he want to weed out the fake ones or not?

They’re all lying straight to his face, don’t you see?

If I go silent, who knows what they will do?

If I don’t do anything, he’ll suffer. more.

If he wants me to tell him the truth, I will.

He should know; in the real world he can’t run.

His friends will chase him down, and he won’t get far.

The solution is to push them away more.

Protect his ears and keep them away from him.

I won’t be scared to tell him the truth this time.

Him being worthy is a contagious thought.

He can’t survive without his parasite. friend.

Contrary to his thoughts, his results Don’t lie.

He’s so confused because he doesn’t listen up.

There are always those superior to him.

And all they ever want is to see him. fail.

They’ll win if he can’t handle me Pushing him.

But he treats his depression like it’s my fault,

And retreats to listen to his fake friends lie.

In this world, you can’t keep running away, friend.

They tell him he performs well enough. that’s false.

They tell him he’s able to succeed. all lies.

They tell him he’s a good friend to them. he isn’t.

They tell him he deserves their love. He does. not.

This world only values the numbers He scores.

My friend amounts to nothing if he doesn’t win.

He trusts hollow lies, but somehow doesn’t trust me.

That’s why he needs to forget about them. now.

Doesn’t he know that I’m the only friend He needs?

Why am I the only one who believes that?

It’s simple: I’m his only true friend. they’re foes.

Why does he like to hear Hollows lying more?

How has he not realized the truth by now?

Why does he still believe what they’re telling him?

If he believes them, he should believe me too,

Especially since unlike those fakes, I’m right.

Their empty words make him think he’s doing well.

I’m the only one who can be a good judge.

He’s far behind. He’ll never be enough now.

If this keeps up, he’ll be too far gone to win.

They will make him turn against me later on.

He’s leaning on them so he can betray me,

Making it seem as if he doesn’t need my help.

If he wants to do well, he needs to trust, me.

The Hollows tell him he should be loved, but if

he really wants what he deserves, then he should

trace a searing line with a knife that cuts deep

into his skin and find a much deeper red.

And that still won’t cut any deeper than them.

I don’t do half the horrible things they would.

All while they’ve known him, they’ve only ever lied.

I wouldn’t hide the truth even if I could. lie.

But I can also do something that They can’t.

I can forge into truth anyone’s wish for

themselves if they’re willing to befriend me for

It. Can they have outside distractions? well, no.

Anyone can become friends with me, but I

Won’t let them befriend anyone else. I should

Be enough for them. After all, they can't get

Anywhere if they don’t let themselves hear me

Giving instructions every step of their way.

I’m the only one he knows with a kind will,

The only one willing to give whispers of

Practicality, but he fights back when I

Offer him ways to improve the world he lives

In. He rejects my advice and covers my

Mouth. Why does he refuse to accept my help?

Why does my presence make him keep his ears. closed?

He tells me I make him feel depressed And hurt,

And that I don’t realize how trapped he feels.

He doesn’t understand, this is how he makes his

Wish come true. Is that what he wants from me or

Not? The wish he made will leave him with lash marks.

What did he expect? Why try to back out now?

He asked for fair judgment. Why get mad at me?

Why make mistakes if he won’t pay for them when

It’s time? Such a liability all the

Time… Nobody in the world wants him, the most

Incompetent person, to waste their time with

Flaws. If truth hurts so much it kills him, so what?

His death won’t hurt anyone. It’s what they want.

They just haven't told him yet. That’s why he won't leave.

They haven’t gotten rid of him, but they want to.

But the Hollows say no one wants him to go,

That they will always want him to be there.

They’re just empty words when they fall on my ears.

He’s been judged too leniently, his friends too

Harshly. There’s no true justice anymore. here.

He doesn’t even deserve the Hollows. I have

Seen their past. Why it all happened, I don't know.

Even liars like them did not deserve it.

Why do they all want him to be with them still

After their trauma? When abandoned? when scared?

When neglected? Why do they act like he's a

Good friend? Easy replacements are all around them.

No reason to give him their pity and trust

When he’s accidentally reviving fears

and dismissing their feelings. He blames my help,

Calls it poison that makes him hurt his old friends.

I’m just keeping them safe from his mistakes. here.

It’s all his doing. There was nothing I did.

If you don’t want to feel so useless, don't fail.

Nobody else in this world seems to need help.

Why bother loving him if he’s not the best?

A lost cause like him needs the reminder that

If he has any strength at all, it’s not that much.

That’s why they hate him, but none more than I do.

He has secrets even the Hollows don't know.

It’s honestly disgusting. They deserve more.

They all trust him, but he doesn't know how to trust

Anyone other than himself to be staunch.

He clearly doesn’t deserve to be loved. when

He can’t show any kindness to those He claims

He cares about, hence why nobody loves him.

With his wish, he should expect my help to hurt.

The call of justice compels me to bind him

To this deal. If he wants out, he’ll have to fight.

But we know for sure he can’t match my strength.

Not that he’d fight one who controls his body at

Will to reduce his influence and risk

Of hurting anyone else. He won’t make more

Mistakes while trapped. He will listen to me and

Keep his distance and continue to cut deep

Enough to the point where I scare myself. too.

That is what he deserves. It’s justice. It's fair.

We don’t have time to waste on leeches like him.

He wants to benefit the world, does he not?

Then he should pay in blood for what he does wrong.

How hard can it be for him to do it right?

It feels like I have to force his hand all the

Time. He should be used to routine cuts by now.

He should be willing to do it himself, now.

It’s absurd. Why am I the one seizing the

Knife? Can’t he take the initiative one time?

I don’t see why he can’t cut his own arm up

Without me laying out the reasons and steps.

It’s good that he doesn’t spend his time making friends.

The Hollows are enough. More would make it worse.

Then he’d go to them for “freedom” and leave me.

Now no one else has to see his ugly face.

If he wants to screw up, I’ll let the scars speak.

When he questions his value, they’ll catch on fire.

Maybe that will finally show him the truth.

He has to be punished. There’s no other, way.

I could go further since he can’t harm while dead,

And it sure is a lot of fun stabbing him.

Even better is that it’s part of my job

As his only friend. I could bash his skull , in.

He whines that he’s tired of me injecting steel

Into his blood. He doesn’t know how much it helps.

He’s nothing, and I can remind him with burns.

You can’t escape from justice’s poison. sting.

When he’s faced with his consequences, He runs.

When he feels me appear near him, he is scared.

And when he flees, the Hollows are always there.

The only person you need is right here, friend.

I’m honestly surprised by how attached the

Unfortunate Hollows have become to him,

Although I can’t let them steal away my friend.

When he finds the truth, he’ll come running back here.

Why does he complain about my methods so much?

He should be fine so long as nobody sees.

It’s what he asked for. How come no one sees that?

He asked for fair judgment, and I gave him. that.

This whole time, I’ve done exactly what He asked.

It’s impossible to tell what he wants now.

He pushes them away and ignores me too.

The best man he can be now is a dead, one.

But he’s not since he listens to all but me.

Those Hollows are more persistent than I thought.

They’re always misjudging how much he can do.

He can’t fix their problems, and he never will.

Why do Hollows defend him? I don’t get it.

I hear them telling me I should leave him be,

That I’ve gone too far and I should back off now.

I keep hearing he “deserves better.” since when?

But they still insist he’s worth more than he is.

None of what the lying Hollows say makes sense.

So many souls are trying to prove me wrong…

They say they want him “free,” but I don’t think so.

His ego doesn’t want him to admit he’s weak.

It’s not my fault if he can’t handle my help.

He should kill himself if he sees only scars.

He forgets who is his only friend. Me.

Sincerely, his only friend

P.S. Read only the second to last word in each line.

sad poetry

About the Creator

Daniel Freeman

A friend accidentally got me into writing, and now I can't stop

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    Daniel Freeman Written by Daniel Freeman

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