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Oh So Perfect - Not


By T. LichtPublished 2 months ago 1 min read

With the sun in my face,

In early July,

I frolicked down the street,

And met my dream.

Two icy blue crystals,

Clear as glass,

Glossy beneath the sun,

Twinkled like the stars,

Beamed with childish innocence,

Mirrored me.

The depth of oceans,

The flawlessness of diamonds,

The vibrancy of newly bloomed flowers,

The sparkle of life

The perfection only angels have,

In them.

Diagonally aligned,

Beneath high cheek bones,

Sprinkled with natural blush,

Adorned with deep-set dimples,

Laid a pair of pudgy pouches,

Begging to be pinched.

They felt,

Soft and tender like the petals of a rose,

Pudgy like water balloons,

Smooth like velvet,

Silky like feathers,

Perfect like the creations only G-d can create

But a mop of curls,

Caught my attention,

Took away my breath,

Stole a hearts beat,

Threatened to blow me away,

Grabbed a simply perfect out of my mouth,

So harmoniously,

On linked in other,

They cascaded down her shoulder.

So evenly,

On equal to another,

They halted at shoulder length.

So rebelliously,

One dared,

To dribble down her nose.

So perfectly,

Each strand was highlighted,

In shades of dirty blond, brown, and gold.

A petite snub nose,

Thin, pursed, ruby colored lips,

Round, slightly protruding ears,

Finished off my dream to perfection.

Head knocking into the hood of her carriage,

Sheitel swinging above her head,

My body bent over hers.

Jealousy lingered in my heart.

As her long lashes blinked Persistently,

Face serene and oblivious to my raging emotions.

Not having any children of my own,

A set of quavering hands,

Unraveled the blanket,

To reveal,

My dream baby,

With a stunning appearance,

But no legs.

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About the Creator

T. Licht

I have a love for words and a love to share them.

Well then, enjoy and thank you for taking the time to read this and maybe if you want subscribe;)

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