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The wisdom of uncertainty

By Dr. Marie GracePublished 5 months ago 2 min read
Photo by Niklas Hamann on Unsplash


Cloaks of Doubt

"The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing."

Socrates whispered, setting minds aflutter and wondering.

In a world brimming with certainty, we wear cloaks of doubt.

Savoring questions over answers, what life's really about.

We laughed, a stream bubbling over pebbles of convention.

"Knowledge is an ocean, and we are islands of invention."

Together, we dove into seas of 'whys' and 'hows,' so deep,

Where mysteries sang lullabies, and secrets did keep.

We built boats from books, paddles from profound thoughts,

Sailing on waves of wonder, through typhoons of 'oughts,

"Is the sky truly blue, or just a reflection of a mood?"

We pondered aloud, our journey an intellectual food.

In the library of the world, we are mere wandering tomes,

Seeking not to fill pages, but to roam where curiosity roams.

With each sunrise, a chapter; every sunset, a verse,

Our story unfurled gently and beautifully diverse.

"Perhaps," we mused, "ignorance is not just a void.

But a canvas, vast and ready to be joyfully deployed."

We painted dreams in the colors of the yet-to-be-known,

Danced to the tune of mysteries, in seeds unknowingly sown.

As stars peeked out from the fabric of the night,

We pondered their tales and their ancient, cosmic plight.

"Are we alone?"

 A question hanging like a delicate thread,

A mosaic of wonders in the universe's widespread bed.

So, let's cherish not knowing, the beauty of a question mark,

For it is in the seeking, not the finding, we leave our mark.

In the network of existence, our ignorance becomes a treasured element.

A harmony in the symphony of the cosmos, an everlasting bloom.


Poet's Musing:

As a ranting poet, I delve into the wisdom of acknowledging our ignorance in this poetic rant, drawing inspiration from Socrates' profound understanding of the limits of human knowledge. Echoing his timeless insight, Socrates once said, 

'I know that I am intelligent because I know that I know nothing.' 

This paradoxical wisdom underpins each verse, inviting readers to explore the beauty and depth of the unknown.



Plato, "Apology." In this work, Socrates discusses his philosophical approach and understanding, interpreted to mean his awareness of his ignorance as a form of wisdom.

Stream of ConsciousnessMental HealthinspirationalFree Verseart

About the Creator

Dr. Marie Grace

Hi, this is Marie Grace, fusing imagination and insight to captivate you. My words mirror new perspectives, challenging assumptions. Join me as we listen, learn, connect, and grow, lending our voice to build our shared understanding

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  • Test5 months ago

    This writing was Super!!! Excellent . I liked it a lot and couldn't find any flaws. You're welcome! on vocal May you have a day full of smiles, always!

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