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Natures Beauty

unveiling the Very Beauty Of Nature in Itself.

By Faith AinaPublished 12 months ago 1 min read
Natures Beauty
Photo by Amico Biswas on Unsplash

In the vast expanse of nature's embrace,

Where the earth and heavens interlace,

A symphony of beauty begins to play,

Unveiling wonders that take our breath away.

Behold the morning's gentle caress,

As dawn paints the sky with hues of gold,

The awakening sun, a radiant guest,

Unfolding secrets yet untold.

The mountains rise, majestic and grand,

Their peaks reaching for the heavens above,

Carved by time's patient, steady hand,

A testament to strength and eternal love.

Oh, the rivers, with their ceaseless flow,

Meandering through valleys and plains,

Whispering tales of where they go,

As they dance to nature's refrains.

The forests, adorned in emerald green,

Stand tall like guardians of ancient lore,

Their leafy canopies, a tranquil scene,

Inviting spirits to wander and explore.

Gardens bloom with vibrant hues,

As flowers sway in the gentle breeze,

Their fragrant petals, nature's muse,

A tapestry of colors that enchant and please.

And as the evening twilight sets the stage,

Stars adorn the velvet sky with gleaming light,

A celestial ballet, a timeless page,

Igniting dreams that shimmer through the night.

Nature, a masterpiece beyond compare,

A gift bestowed upon us all to behold,

In its embrace, we find solace rare,

And a reminder of the stories yet untold.

So let us cherish this bountiful grace,

And strive to be guardians of this earthly place,

For nature's beauty, a treasure to befriend,

A love letter to our souls, without end.

nature poetryinspirational

About the Creator

Faith Aina

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