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Nature, Nurture.


By Dawn EarnshawPublished 12 months ago 3 min read
Nature, Nurture.
Photo by Neora Aylon on Unsplash

I remember the day when I found out that I was going to be a Mother,I couldn’t breathe, the air around me seemed to be thickening and Oxygen was just a delicatessen of fear, love, excitement and joyful adventure.I mean how many emotions could you possibly feel in your body from a moment in the bathroom with a tiny stick with the blue or now pink lines. Little did I know that these little lives would have taken place over your entire lifetime.

An unconditional surrender to the softness of your heart and vulnerability, with the power of love running through your veins.The Labour and pains soon disappear after the touch of that sweet smelling skin and oh all the nights and days you lost your sleep in’s, the bin full of horrible plastic nappies in the bin. Recycling just comes in.

The Plastic bottles that were filled with powdered food and drip fed in. There was no going back on that selfish life that was a big thing, but all became more important when I looked down at the Gold shiny wedding ring, a glowing of what looked like embers of the burning fire around the breezy garden and rocking you on the porch swing.

How and why ? Because without that blessing of the day in the Cold Winter Snow in the spring; you wouldn’t have been a produce of this whole new millennium of a special kind of thing.

I waited 24 years to hear that cry, that gurgling that sounded like harp strings.It definitely is something that I am grateful I didn’t rush in.

Parenting ! It comes with an empty purse and cupboards that just fit our food in. Gratitude far outweighs the moulding cheese and Rotten Tomatoes, we used to fling.

The Colour of your eyes and the freckles on your cheeks, the auburn hair a mixture of an evening sky that just doesn’t look like the Sun would ever take place of this arrays of wonderment, intriguing little minds with a tin smile and a sense of wonder in the air.

Soon you would grow and want to know all about the world, earth, sky and where have you come from!

Frequencies my fine fettling friend. Frequencies.

Do you know, there is presently a school of thought twiddling the idea that the Druids transported the huge stones used to build Stonehenge, with sound.

The universe sound is that of “Ohmm”. The perfect note/pitch only resonates at a very particular frequency.

So …. remember to wash behind your ears yes ….and don’t forget that special heart felt thing that thoughts are just the same as your words except thoughts are silent but can soften the hardest of hearts my darling.

Always remember that you are capable of doing anything to your own self awareness of even levitating!

You are as beautiful as all those flowers swaying by the blue sea breeze. Even the wildest of flowers brighten up their morning spring.

Do not ever look back your kneck will ache and your not going that way, your little footsteps forward however small or long is a progress that , not forced will all fall into place and if you ever find the question never answerd of where you come from, search within your Heart,Mind,Body and Soul look up and open your mind to the possibilities that you are just perfectly fine; fitting in with the rhythm and vibrancy of life without time.

As you grow closer to the world and planet and now bringing in the Christmas tree in with glee, remember, I will always adore thee.


About the Creator

Dawn Earnshaw

Loves writing short stories and poems - learning punctuation and Grammar.ADHD

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