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"Mystic Reverie"

In the realm of fleeting moments, Where past and future intertwine, There exists a timeless dance, Of souls entwined, sublime.

By AHSANPublished about a year ago 1 min read
"Mystic Reverie"
Photo by Kyle Head on Unsplash

In the realm of fleeting moments,

Where past and future intertwine,

There exists a timeless dance,

Of souls entwined, sublime.

"Dancing Through Time," they call it,

A ballet of eternal grace,

Where memories and dreams converge,

Creating a sacred space.

With each tender step they take,

They traverse the tapestry of years,

A rhythmic pulse of existence,

Melodies that resonate, sincere.

Through ancient ruins and modern streets,

Across boundless fields and skies,

They pirouette through history's pages,

Underneath the watchful eyes.

Their bodies move with fluid grace,

Telling stories of love and pain,

Unveiling the human experience,

A kaleidoscope of joy and strain.

They dance through triumph and loss,

Their feet caressed by life's sweet song,

Their embrace defying the constraints,

Of the hours that pass, swift and strong.

With every twirl and graceful turn,

They transcend the limits of mortality,

For in their dance, they are immortal,

In a world where time is but formality.

Oh, "Dancing Through Time," they inspire,

With each elegant and passionate sway,

Reminding us of our own journey,

In this grand cosmic ballet.

So let us join their timeless dance,

In the rhythm of our beating hearts,

Embracing the present moment,

As time, in harmony, imparts.

For in the dance, we find freedom,

From the shackles of ticking clocks,

We become one with the universe,

As we dance through time's eternal blocks.

nature poetry

About the Creator


Embark on wild jungle tales, where nature thrives and adventure calls. Explore the untamed wonders, vividly woven through my stories. #JungleLife #Storyteller

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