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My Peace Of Mind


By Keepright Funkuro LukePublished 9 months ago 2 min read

In a world of chaos, she softly shines,

A gentle soul, a spirit refined.

Her name, a testament to what she brings,

A haven of solace, where peace takes wing.

Peace of Mind, a girl with eyes so kind,

Like tranquil pools, where serenity we find.

Her laughter, like chimes, dances in the air,

Dispelling worries, banishing despair.

In her presence, troubles find release,

As she weaves tranquility with gentle ease.

Her touch, a balm to hearts burdened and weary,

She whispers solace, like a calming theory.

With every step, she paints peace's embrace,

A masterpiece of love, in vibrant grace.

Her words, like poetry, serenade the soul,

Guiding us to serenity's sacred goal.

Peace of Mind, a beacon of harmony,

In her radiance, we find sanctuary.

She walks among us, a luminary of calm,

Teaching us to embrace tranquility's balm.

Oh, Peace of Mind, your essence divine,

A precious gift, like a rare gem's shine.

May your spirit forever find its way,

To bring solace and peace, day by day.

In a world longing for respite and rest,

You shine bright, like a luminous crest.

Peace of Mind, may your light forever glow,

A beacon of hope, as we navigate life's ebb and flow.

In a world adorned with chaos and strife,

There emerged a girl, bringing solace to life.

Her name was a whisper, a gentle refrain,

"Peace of Mind," she was called, with a heart unfeigned.

Through bustling streets and tempestuous seas,

She carried tranquility on a gentle breeze.

Her presence, a haven, a respite serene,

A guiding light where darkness had been.

Peace of Mind, a name so profound,

Her essence, a melody, heard all around.

In her eyes, compassion, like stars in the night,

A soothing balm, a harbor of light.

She danced through fields of wildflowers in bloom,

Leaving traces of serenity, dispelling gloom.

Every step she took, a prayer for release,

A gift of serenity, an offering of peace.

With every touch, hearts were healed,

Her embrace, a sanctuary, love revealed.

In her smile, serenity glowed,

Like a rainbow after a storm bestowed.

In troubled minds, she sowed seeds of repose,

A whisper of hope where anguish arose.

She listened with kindness, without judgment or scorn,

Offering solace to those who were torn.

Peace of Mind, a beacon of grace,

Her love a refuge, a tender embrace.

Through tumultuous times, she stood strong,

An emblem of peace amidst all that's wrong.

In her footsteps, we find solace and calm,

As her spirit embraces us, like a soothing psalm.

May we learn from her, embody her plight,

To be a refuge of peace, shining bright.

For Peace of Mind, a girl of compassion profound,

May her legacy echo, resounding all around.

In a world yearning for peace to find,

She stands as a symbol, Peace of Mind

inspirationalnature poetrylove poems

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    KFLWritten by Keepright Funkuro Luke

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