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My Mehndi Design

Love And Tradition

By zulfi buxPublished 19 days ago 1 min read

In the dusk's delicate hug, where shadows dance,

A material of skin, a story of sentiment.

Multifaceted lines, similar to murmurs in the breeze,

Mehndi's hug, a sweetheart's delicate bother.

Each stroke a story, of adoration and of beauty,

Carved upon tissue, an immortal hug.

Designs that weave, similar to privileged insights untold,

In the language of workmanship, secrets unfurl.

On fingertips, images of dreams take off,

In the gleam of the moon, they shine so brilliant.

A dance of custom, a custom heavenly,

In the consecrated plan, fates weave.

From palm to wrist, an excursion unfurls,

Of energy and yearning, as the story's being told.

In the maze of examples, hearts track down their direction,

Limited by the excellence of mehndi's presentation.

Through chuckling and tears, through delight and through torment,

The craftsmanship on our skin, everlastingly will rule.

For in each fragile line, a story is turned,

An embroidery of life, from nightfall until day break.

So let the mehndi embellish each hand,

A demonstration of adoration, across each land.

For in its multifaceted excellence, we see as our own,

In the verse of mehndi, our spirits are flown.


About the Creator

zulfi bux

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