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Mighty and Majestic Trees

A poem about trees and their symbolism

By Rasma RaistersPublished 12 months ago 2 min read

A tree is one of the greatest creations of nature,

Its been given strength and power by the Lord.

A tree is a wonder,

whether big or small.

In the fall when its leaves start to change color and fall,

whirling about in the wind.

In the winter it stands in frozen splendor,

and in spring, trees awaken to burst into coats of green.

God has made so many trees

and even trees to provide for us.

like fruit and nut trees,

their roots going deep into the earth below -

trees provide us with shade and comfort.

The apple tree is a real fantasy.

not only does it provide delicious apples,

but stands for magic, youth, beauty, and happiness.

Amazingly it is associated with the symbolism of immortality.

There once was a magical land called Avalon,

known to be a famed place where Celtic heroes went for eternal rest.

Among them King Arthur,

This land called Avalon, meant ”the apple land” or ”apple island”.

In tales from days of yore the North European gods and goddesses,

of the land we know as Scandinavia,

were given an apple a day by Iduna,

the goddess of spring whose apple orchard was in Asgard.

When it comes to the ash tree it is known to stand,

for sacrifice, sensitivity, and higher awareness -

its wood so hard and pure.

The Aspen tree is a symbol of determination and overcoming fears and doubts,

so lovely at all times but especially in the fall,

in the Rocky Mountains.

The birch tree grows in abundance in Latvia,

it’s among the trees you see the most.

The birch stands for new beginnings and cleansing of the past.

It’s associated with vision quests

and is looked upon as the national tree..

It's often selected by painters and photographers -

in all its splendor.

When seeking harmony, peace, balance, and everything that’s good,

look no further than the Bonsai tree.

Its origins can be found in China.

where it’s shaped in forms of dragons, serpents, and other mystical creatures.

The aromatic cedar tree,

for healing, cleansing, and protection.

Looked upon as an ornamental tree,

its found in many parks and gardens

and is the national tree of Pakistan.

The cherry tree with its sweet fruit,

has the honor to symbolize -

death and rebirth and new awakenings.

The grand elm tree,

has strength of will and intuition.

It was popular for ornamentation in the 18th and 19th centuries.

The mighty oaks,

have their roots firmly,

implanted from ancient times.

The most majestic,

are large, mighty grand oaks

Oaks symbolize,

knowledge and wisdom,

strength, stability, and power.

love, commitment,

honor and nobility.

The oak is the national tree of England

and its leaves symbolize rank,

to the US Armed Forces.

The trees bear acorns,

that fall when autumn comes.

In the hot summers,

mighty oaks provide plenty of shade.

The fir tree we all know and love,

is the world’s Christmas tree.

Symbolizing springtime and immortality.

Its pine cones are a sight of joy,

decorating the tree naturally. 

Another tree of divine loveliness,

the holly tree symbolizes protection and overcoming anger.

A traditional Christmas decoration

and its used in making white chess pieces.

The hazel tree bears nuts,

it stands for hidden wisdom, dousing, and divination

and provides us with hazelnuts to eat.

The maple tree stands for balance,

promise, and practicality,

from it, we get sweet maple syrup for our breakfast pancakes.


About the Creator

Rasma Raisters

My passions are writing and creating poetry. I write for several sites online and have four themed blogs on Wordpress. Please follow me on Twitter.

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