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midnight isnt even a Night

And none of the colors make sense

By KaikamahinenaniPublished 3 years ago Updated 2 years ago 3 min read

My good thoughts used to only come in at midnight

the ones i can hear clearly, and comprehend

now when i close my eyes sometimes i see red

and sometimes i see dark blue

and then sometimes, i just see black

black as the imagination because black is an empty storage room waiting for company, waiting for freedom

waiting for home

just like home dorothy said there's no place like home

i realize now she was already home

she just had to close her eyes, letting all the pain fizz away

And maybe she would see black at first, or maybe she would see dark blue,

or maybe just red

red as her boldly expressive shoes

devilish in every way yet innocent in every way too

Red as the color of her name she craved into her skin

to remind herself

that she is hers, and no one else's

red as the pen i would have used to write this down

Where is it now?

Where have all the things I've lost gone to?

somewhere into the midnight? somehow they will return baring murder gifts and lies saying they've missed me when they were gone

forget them! just look at all the beauty you do have, look at the night sky

so beautiful

a splash of bright red would mess it all up

sometimes its harder to see the bigger picture when

everything is so close up

and none of the colors make sense

i guess too much red was in the mix, or maybe you just need to close your eyes

close your eyes and breath

remember midnight isn't a night

think about home, think about the night, think about the value of life

midnight isn't a night

midnight isn't a night

midnight isn't a night it's a dream that keeps you asleep

And all the colors that dance in your head aren't really there

but even so, they still form an image, a literature symphony

The know-it-alls say night is black

no it isn't

please tell me when you close your eyes you do more than just see

when you close your eyes what do you feel...

night or black?

if you really think about it

i mean really think

when you look at the world, and feel what it actually means to exist in it

when everything is dark blue and sparkling with wonder

it feels like eating ice cream in the hot summer

just think of that feeling to make you feel better when your vision isn't clear

think of how it may feel to a dragonfly that hovers over a lake

letting itself blend into the swirls of different shades of blues and grays, and even black

Be like that, let yourself follow those oddly shaped stars

if it makes you feel at home

and if you find my red pen there, don't return it

...So you see?

midnight isn't a night

And is definitely not a night that red would fit into

please tell me when you close your eyes you can feel like i do

Do you feel...

dark blue or dragonfly?

Are you advantageous as bright red paint

being randomly splashed on an a van gogh starry night painting


are you mellow as a sweet swifting lazy river

i hope you're both

and i hope you know

that midnight isn't a night

I hope you're crazy

I hope you're bold

I hope you remember midnight isn't a night

when you do close your eyes

surreal poetry

About the Creator


Hi, I'm Hine


i <3 to write poems, trying other forms of writin

questions about writing? dm

go to ''kaikamahineno.wixsite.com/wherecreativitybloom''

[email protected]


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