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Man, I Miss Out of The Box

Imagination Can Change The World

By Henry ShawPublished 2 years ago 2 min read
Man, I Miss Out of The Box
Photo by Christopher Bill on Unsplash

Gone are the days of out of the box.

People just let their thinking be done by CNN and Fox.

What happened to our minds so happy and free,

When it wasn’t all muddled by the lies on TV?

I miss Tony and Vivian’s simple way

Of solving life’s problems through instruments and play.

I miss that simpler day…

Outside there are riots and wars being waged.

Tumults, protests, and coupes being staged.

Hatred, violence, bigotry and lies

I miss the gleam of imagination in our eyes.

Imagination that brings comfort and hope to our mind

When ruminating on our problems makes our present eyes blind.

I miss being kind…

Imagining is what built great women and men,

gave a world full of nines the vision to be ten,

Creates minds free to think and minds free to build

Minds that see more than a mess when milk is spilled.

Who see in the mundane beautiful works of art,

When others see nothing but scraps or a broken part.

I miss when we could be true to our heart…

Imagination can turn the slums into Camelot

A game of Rock Paper Scissors into a heavyweight title shot.

But it’s not all in the mind, not all just for fun,

Imagination can make entire cities run.

For was it not Edison who dreamed of a light,

That now lights every home morning, noon, or night?

I miss such foresight…

Sight that dared dream of a Berlin with no wall,

Or a world with freedom and equal rights for all.

Imagining a world where we all come together

One where each of us tries to be a bit better,

Didn’t always feel so futile and out of reach

So what’s different now, why’s it this wall we can’t breach?

I miss the lessons they used to teach…

Think outside the box, there’s always more than meets the eye

Always a creative solution to tough problems we can apply

Like singing a song to lure out a mouse

Or creating a day at the beach from inside your house.

Or fighting back against hate without torches, sticks, or rocks,

But rather with love and understanding in our homes, in our schools, and on our blocks.

Man, I really miss Out of the Box...

inspirationalsocial commentaryslam poetry

About the Creator

Henry Shaw

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