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"Lunar Serenade: A Dance of Light and Dreams"


By Shilpa RawadePublished about a year ago 1 min read
"Lunar Serenade: A Dance of Light and Dreams"
Photo by Ganapathy Kumar on Unsplash

In the velvet night, the moon takes flight,

A radiant orb, casting its silvery light.

It dances in the sky, a celestial tune,

A beacon of hope, in darkness it blooms.

Its face, a glowing smile, so serene,

A silent witness to the world's routine.

It pulls the tides, an unseen force,

Guiding the oceans on their cosmic course.

The moon's craters tell stories of old,

Of asteroids colliding, mysteries untold.

A barren landscape, yet filled with grace,

Reflecting the sun's warm embrace.

Dreamers gaze upon its tranquil face,

Finding solace in its ethereal embrace.

Oh, moon, celestial companion of the night,

A muse for poets, a lover's guiding light.

As night gives way to dawn's embrace,

The moon bids farewell, with gentle grace.

But fear not, for it shall return soon,

To illuminate the sky and cast its magical boon.

childrens poetry

About the Creator

Shilpa Rawade

Shilpa Rawade is a master of the written word,expertly navigating the realms of poetry,story telling,beauty tips,and recipes.

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