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"Eternal Rhapsody: A Symphony of Love's Tapestry"

By Sargun GillPublished 5 months ago 1 min read
"Love's Ballet: A Moonlit Serenade of Hearts"

In twilight's tender, soft embrace,

Where stars unveil their gleaming face,

Love blossoms in a gentle sigh,

A whispered breeze, a lullaby.

Moonlight weaves a silken thread,

Binding hearts that have been led,

Through the tapestry of the night,

Love's dance, an ethereal light.

In eyes that mirror galaxies,

A universe of destinies,

Two souls entwined, forever bound,

A symphony of love profound.

Each heartbeat, like a rhythmic song,

A melody that can't go wrong,

Resonating in the vast expanse,

Love's sweet, eternal, timeless dance.

A garden of emotions bloom,

In the heart's secret, sacred room,

Petals soft, like promises made,

Love's fragrant whispers never fade.

Through valleys deep and mountains high,

Love's journey beneath the sky,

Hand in hand, an uncharted shore,

Together, forever, we explore.

A canvas painted with hues divine,

Love's masterpiece, a sacred sign,

Brushstrokes of passion, colors true,

An endless palette of me and you.

So let love's poetry be sung,

In every verse, on every tongue,

A sonnet written in the stars above,

An ode to the enduring power of love.

love poems

About the Creator

Sargun Gill

"📚✨ | Wordsmith & Dreamer | Crafting worlds with ink and imagination | Navigating life one story at a time | Seeker of beauty in the written word | Turning dreams into chapters | #WriterLife 🖋️🌟"

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