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Love's Inked Pages: A Letter of Devotion Addressed to You and Signed by My Heart

A Poetic Journey of Endless Affection and Undying Love

By Manjit@6400..Published about a year ago 1 min read
My love book ....

My dearest love,

As I pen these lines, my heart beats fast,

For I write to you, my love, at last.

With this epistolary poem, I hope to convey,

The depth of my love for you today.

Oh, how I long to hold you near,

To whisper in your ear, and say how dear,

You are to me, my love, my light,

My shining star in the darkest night.

In this letter, I pour out my heart,

And let my love for you, freely start,

For you have stolen my heart away,

And I want you to know it, come what may.

With each passing day, my love for you grows,

Like a flower, nourished by the morning dew that flows,

And in my heart, you have found a home,

Where you belong, never to roam.

I dream of our future, hand in hand,

Together, exploring life's wonderland,

Sharing each other's joys and sorrows,

And building a life that knows no tomorrows.

My dear, I want to say, in this letter,

That I love you more than words can measure,

And that you are the reason for my existence,

My soulmate, my one true love, my essence.

So, my love, I end this letter with a kiss,

And promise you my love, my eternal bliss,

For you are the one who holds the key,

To my heart, my soul, and my destiny.

Yours always and forever,

Manjit Kumar

love poems

About the Creator


Directed by a profound appreciation for narrating stories, poems etc...and making a vivid encounter.

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