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Oh my love

By Bassey blessing Published 8 months ago 1 min read

Love, a timeless muse that ignites the hearts of many,

A symphony of emotions, both tender and uncanny.

In verses, we find solace, a language of the soul,

Expressing love's essence, making us feel whole.

Love is a gentle breeze, caressing our very being,

A dance of two souls, forever intertwining.

It blooms like a flower, vibrant and pure,

A treasure to cherish, forever endure.

In love's embrace, we find warmth and delight,

A sanctuary of passion, where dreams take flight.

It whispers sweet nothings, like a melody so divine,

Filling our hearts with joy, like sparkling wine.

Love is a journey, with twists and turns,

A rollercoaster of emotions, where the heart yearns.

It can be a gentle rain, or a raging storm,

But love's resilience can weather any norm.

In love's poetry, we find words that heal,

A balm for the wounded heart, helping us deal.

It paints pictures of devotion, in colors so bright,

Guiding us through darkness, with love as our light.

So let love's poetry be your guide,

In every verse, let your heart confide.

For love is a language that needs no translation,

It speaks to the soul, with endless adoration.

love poems

About the Creator

Bassey blessing

I possess mastery of language,effortlessly weaving words together to create an engaging narratives. I have a keen eye for detail,capturing the essence of characters and settings with precision.my writing leaves a lasting impact on readers.

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