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Love Donkey


By Moharif YuliantoPublished 5 days ago 1 min read
Love Donkey
Photo by Gabrielle Maurer on Unsplash

In dusty fields where sunflowers sway,

A gentle giant grazes all day.

Not stallion proud, nor beast of might,

But humble donkey, a patient sight.

His coat, a canvas of weathered brown,

His ears like sails, forever down.

Large soulful eyes, with wisdom deep,

Secrets of meadows he seems to keep.

I, a dreamer with windblown hair,

Met him one day, a curious pair.

He stopped his munching, head held high,

As if to question, with a gentle sigh.

Fear turned to wonder, a cautious hand,

Reached out to touch, a foreign land.

His coarse fur rough, beneath my palm,

A silent trust began to calm.

He nuzzled closer, a velvet breath,

Dispelling worries, conquering death.

The world outside, a fading hum,

Just him and me, no need to numb.

We walked the paths, a gentle stride,

His steady pace, my worries hide.

He carried burdens, not of gold,

But heavy hearts, stories untold.

His bray, a song, a mournful call,

Echoing through the fields, for one and all.

A symphony of loneliness untold,

A creature loyal, brave, and bold.

I brought him thistles, a simple fare,

He ate them slowly, with gentle care.

His gratitude, a soft brown eye,

A bond unspoken, beneath the sky.

They mocked me, some, with laughter loud,

"A love for donkey, lost in the crowd?"

But love, they missed, in its purest form,

A connection born, safe from the storm.

For in his quiet strength, his steady gaze,

I found a solace, in a world of daze.

He judged me not, by wealth or name,

Just saw a soul, forever the same.

He taught me patience, with gentle art,

The beauty found in a simple heart.

The world may rush, with fleeting trends,

But true love waits, with no pretense.

So let them scoff, with pride misplaced,

My love for donkey, a love embraced.

For in his eyes, a truth I see,

A love that's constant, eternally.

And when the sun dips low and red,

We'll walk the fields, where dreams are bred.

Two souls entwined, beneath the stars,

A love for donkey, healing scars.


About the Creator

Moharif Yulianto

a freelance writer and thesis preparation in his country, youtube content creator, facebook

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