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Leave a heart fragrance, against the years-long

Poems about time

By Sheryl E DavisPublished 2 years ago 5 min read


Time is in a hurry, time is easy to pass.

The stranger of time, the forest flowers thanked the spring red, too hasty. As if a heart is still immersed in a curtain of spring dreams and joy, eyes still floating in a flower face, spring color is still so charming and intoxicating.

However, as time is going by, the years are changing. The first thing you need to do is to get a good idea of what you are getting into. I would like to treasure the petals, rubbed into the heart fragrance.

Through the floating clouds of time, a touch of blue clarifies the eyes and purifies the mind. A white, snowy cloud slowly and leisurely, haloed away the heavy, light heart. The love and cheerfulness of a cavity, the melancholy and melancholy in the heart are dissipated one by one so that the eyebrows are stretched and the wind is light.

When you look up and meet the blue water and green hills, layers of greenery, a mountain of superimposed greenery, written with richness and full of power.

With the direction in your eyes, hope in your heart, and strength under your feet, you will march hard towards the sunshine and eventually walk through the desert and into the oasis of life.


After the hustle and bustle, life fades away from the glitz and glamour and finally returns to simplicity and simplicity. The years have evolved into a thousand meteorological conditions, but also changing the state of mind.

After the vicissitudes of the world, I would like to cultivate a fence and plant chrysanthemums in my heart, leaving a pure; leave a pure, simple and not lose innocence, simple and not lose beauty. With the Zen heart of clouds and water, playing the chime and bamboo, playing the wind and blowing the fife, chanting poems and making paintings; let the scroll of life be long and windy, with magnificent waves.

I often dream that if I can be a woman as talented and wise as Lin Huiyin of the Republic of China, and a gentlewoman: a poetic thousand waterfalls, April day on earth, how beautiful it is.

Long years with books and ink, life will have a long meaning, life will have inexhaustible poetry; the soul will have a home, and those days alone and not alone will have the fragrance of the soul.

The years are long, people grow long, I hope that every step is warm, the years contain fragrance, a lifetime of well-being.

Every inch of the day, with tireless persistence and endurance, perseverance in the pursuit of the true meaning of the ideal. With a fistful of heart, ardent love, to be a lover of time, not to lose the years, not to lose life; a wisp of heart fragrance, explore the fragrance of thought.

The flowers are full of pity, consider the years, no matter how difficult life is, but also to let the spark of thought has been bright, the heart can hold a thousand things in the world; favor and disgrace, leisurely look at the flowers in front of the garden, the intention to stay and go, with the clouds outside the sky, with the heart and nature.

The first thing you need to do is to be happy, hit a flower, and leave a fragrance in your heart, against the ups and downs of life, against the long years.

With the calmness of the waves, look at the past and smile at the vicissitudes. The heart is loaded with a spring, loaded with an expectation, wish to fall flowers and meet you; flowers swaying with a few heartbeats, floating with a few petals of flower fragrance, wandering with a few loving, in a few charming, a few beautiful spring light to hold love, love a world of love.


The first thing you need to do is to get a good idea of what you're looking for.

Bring joy, twist a flower fragrance, engrave the beautiful spring scenery into the poetic lines of life, and feel the traces of the years.

The winter has gone and spring has come, the wind has warmed the flowers, the dream has woken you up, the flowers have fallen and the fragrance is there.

The world is desolate, prosperity is only a moment, and human feelings and happiness are only in the heart; if the heart is well, why fear the vicissitudes of the years? The long road is long and far, I will go up and down and seek to find peace, find the fragrance of flowers.

In the endless wilderness of time, save a heart, leave a heart, sew the past well into the bag, to pray for a good year, year after year to meet the warmth.

The first thing you need to do is to make sure that you have a good idea of what you are doing.


Life is a spring dream, spring to dream awakening, longing ultimately can not resist the cruelty of reality, suffering is ultimately more than good; and live itself is courage, not afraid of the wind and rain, forge ahead, will eventually reach the heights of dreams.

The road of life is long, the mountains are long and the waters are wide, the distance of life is covered with wind and rain, and the course of the heart is tossed with clouds and fog. Life, there are ten miles of a spring breeze, flowers bloom a season of stunning, there is also a dark fragrance; fragrant quiet beauty, the years have given life not only suffering and beauty.

The only way to keep the warmth and beauty in your heart is to be able to resist all the gloom and turmoil in the long years.

The flowers bloom with love, the flowers fall silent, will be a piece of the ground into the dark fragrance of death gently picked up, that a tide of the heart dried up memory.

The years do not live, the time is like a stream, the ferry enclosure of time, and to say goodbye to the spring, leaving a miss, save a touch of stunning, with a devout heart, with a good intention to leave a heart fragrance, accompanied by the years Shanshan, leave time slowly.

Read a piece of love, solve the earthly wanderings, pick up a love interest, and cultivate sentiment. Send a note of poetry, filled with hope and distant places. Fold a branch of spring color, and leave a fragrance of the heart, against the years long.

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About the Creator

Sheryl E Davis

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