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July 18, 2016

A Poem

By AndyPublished 6 years ago 1 min read

i don't blame you for it happening

i mean how could you know

i simply blame you for letting him get away with it

sure i was drunk

but i remember it rather vividly

you and her left and he saw his opportunity

well he took it

he wasn't going to let a chance like that go to waste

when you came back i tried to tell you both what occurred

i tried on the bathroom floor in tears to tell you

but she didn't want to accept that he was capable of that

she refused to listen

so instead of helping me

you lied

you told them i was just drunk

i was reminiscing

because this wasn't the first time

so in the end you all agreed that it never happened

even when you both walked in with my shorts down

telling me to be a lady and pull them up

that there are people here

shrugging it off as i was just a reckless drunk

weeks pass

you still hang out with them

you try to convince me it didn't happen

you tell me that it was just a dream

and other times

you would tell me to not report it

that it would do no good

think of all this when you wonder why i don't consider you

a friend

here i am two years later

july 18 2018

and i didn't forget about it like you said

in fact i think about it quite often

i feel guilty for never speaking up

because i have a terrible gut feeling i wasn't his last victim

july 18 2016

will be stuck with me forever

sad poetry

About the Creator


I've never been too great at the whole bio thing. I overthink it all and then realize I'm trying too hard. So, with that said. I'm Andy. I'm 21. My pronouns are She/they. please feel the freedom to criticize, I'm open to ways of improvement

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