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In the Now, touring online

The Now

By DarkosPublished 11 months ago 1 min read
source : e55evu, Malaga street, Spain.

Now You dont even need to go out you put a youtube channel and you are just outside in the world around

You can just choose which country or which tour You wanna go to today

The walking channel is already in there

So where do You wanna go ?

Capri, Niece, Palma de Mallorca or Malaga in Spain

Everything is already ready in there, You dont have a budget?

That's not a problem

It doesn't cost a thing You just jump on the sofa and You are already in

It is not even that You imagine or connect to be in there

You just put on a vlog channel and You are literally walking with them

Sure You wont go where do you really wanna go but You go where do they take you On the Tourist Road!

At times You can dive so deeply in there that You may be surprised

When You are going out from Your house no it's not a Capri this time

It's the same kind of a neighbor mowing the lawn

It may even annoy You for a while because You were just taking such a beautiful walk in the port of Malaga this time

So in an hour or two, You are already packed because this whole of an online tour brought your travel mood back

fact or fictionsurreal poetryinspirationalhumorhow to

About the Creator


Human : painter, digital art maker, sound composer, poet, writer, qigong healer & trainer

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