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If you love a flower, don’t pick it up

Beauty of birds lies in the sky

By Yash BhawsarPublished 5 months ago 1 min read
If you love a flower, don’t pick it up
Photo by Edward Howell on Unsplash

“If you love a flower, don't pick it up. Because if you pick it up, it dies, and it ceases to be what you love. So if you love a flower, let it be. Love is not about possession. Love is about appreciation.” Osho

I find the above lines about love very beautiful. These lines have been said by Osho. If you read it carefully, then you can really understand love very well.

Once, our school teacher took us to the park for drawing. We all were sitting peacefully and drawing. Then suddenly a parrot flies there. That parrot goes and sits on a table. In our country it is called a mountain parrot, which is never kept as a pet.

My teacher liked that parrot so much that she caught it secretly and kept it in a cage.

Whenever I passed by the teacher's house, I often looked at that parrot. That cage used to hang outside her house.

I felt very sorry to see that parrot because it looked beautiful even while flying.

My teacher took care of him for about two years and due to lack of proper care, he died within two years.

My teacher was very sad and from then till today she never kept any animal, she was not able to forget that parrot.

It is true that birds look beautiful only when they fly; it is quite wrong to keep them in cages and take ownership of them.

Love is about appreciation, not ownership. If you like a flower, give up trying to pick it. The beauty of flowers lies among the trees, just as the beauty of birds lies in the sky.

___Yash Bhawsar___

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