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I will never forget that Saturday…

a poem

By Mescaline BrissetPublished 4 months ago 1 min read
Photo by SwapnIl Dwivedi on Unsplash

I will never forget that Saturday

when I heard the news that you’re gone

it took a lot of winding roads

yet too many fates remained unturned;

I collected all the things that connected us

movies we watched together when I was a kid

or rather, sneaking behind your back

glancing at James Bond women in negligees

bending their bodies and luring the masculinity

to their triviality

I wove them in my little world

added a dash of crime from my mother’s hands

when you left us on one ghastly Saturday

she turned into the worst of beasts

protecting problems and tangling them more

like the most vicious enemy

not a loving getter;

I found relief in talking to you

you speak to me every time I work my ass off

workaholics, that’s what the world calls us

as we sail downstream in a speedboat

never enough is our motto;

the river was your favourite, so that’s where I go

for inspiration and a piece of thought

to hone my craft like yours until it shines

and resonates with booming hues

screaming that it’s coming from inside me

children come out in the same way from others who

want to leave a mark

this is mine, be careful and avoid the dung

that others have spread, I’m giving it here

not yet fully ripe, the time will come

fully prepared, consolidated, thought out

with the greatest help from the master’s hands


for Dad


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You can find more poems, stories, and articles by Mescaline Brisset on my Vocal profile. The art of creation never ends.

surreal poetrysocial commentarysad poetryperformance poetryMental HealthinspirationalheartbreakFamily

About the Creator

Mescaline Brisset

if it doesn't come bursting out of you

in spite of everything,

don't do it.

unless it comes unasked out of your

heart and your mind and your mouth

and your gut,

don't do it.

so you want to be a writer? – Charles Bukowski

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