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I Rise


By Caleb GoldPublished 12 months ago 3 min read
I Rise
Photo by Karsten Winegeart on Unsplash

You may attempt to diminish me

With your bitter, twisted lies,

You may trample me into the ground

But like dust, I will still rise.

Does my audacity disturb you?

Why are you plagued by despair?

Because I stride as if I possess oil wells

Pumping in my own living room.

Just like moons and suns,

With the unwavering certainty of tides,

Just like hopes soaring high,

Still, I will rise.

Did you hope to witness my shattering?

Head bowed, eyes cast down low?

Shoulders slumping like teardrops,

Weakened by my soulful cries.

Does my self-assuredness offend you?

Don't burden yourself with such dismay,

For I laugh as if I've discovered gold mines

Deep within my very own backyard.

You may shoot me with your words,

You may cut me with your eyes,

You may even attempt to destroy me

With your hateful disdain,

But like air, I will still rise.

Does my sensuality disturb you?

Does it catch you off guard,

That I dance as if I possess diamonds

Between the meeting of my thighs?

Emerging from the shadows of history's shame,

I rise.

Ascending from a past rooted in anguish,

I rise.

I am an expansive, boundless ocean,

Surging and widening, carrying the tide.

Leaving behind nights of terror and fear,

I rise.

Embracing a dawn that is brilliantly clear,

I rise.

Carrying the gifts bestowed by my ancestors,

I am the embodiment of their dreams,

The manifestation of the enslaved's hope.

I rise.

I rise.

I rise

From the depths of oppression's huts,

I rise.

Breaking free from chains of pain,

I rise.

I am a force, an unstoppable tide,

A testament to resilience and pride.

No longer confined by the shadows of night,

I emerge into the radiant light.

With every step, I reclaim my space,

Defying expectations, leaving no trace.

You may attempt to silence my voice,

To drown out my cries, to stifle my choice.

But like a phoenix, I will always ascend,

From the ashes of oppression, my spirit won't bend.

For I carry the strength of my ancestors,

Their wisdom, their courage, their battles fought.

Their legacy fuels the fire within,

Igniting a passion that cannot be bought.

I rise not only for myself, but for all,

The marginalized, the silenced, the ones who fall.

I am a beacon of hope, a guiding light,

In the face of adversity, I ignite.

With each rise, I shatter the walls,

That seek to confine and cause us to fall.

I stand tall, unyielding, against the tide,

A symbol of resilience, I will not hide.

So do not underestimate my power,

For I am an unstoppable force, hour by hour.

I rise above the limitations imposed,

Breaking barriers, shattering closed doors.

In the face of hatred, I choose love,

With compassion and grace, I rise above.

I am a testament to the human spirit,

A reminder that through it all, we can uplift.

So let my rising be a call to all,

To stand strong, to rise and stand tall.

Together we can overcome, we can defy,

The forces that seek to suppress and deny.

For in unity lies our greatest strength,

As we rise together, we go to any length.

To create a world where all voices are heard,

Where equality and justice are the guiding words.

I rise.

I rise.

With unwavering determination, I continue to soar,

Through adversity and challenges, I will explore.

I refuse to be silenced, to be kept down,

For I am a symbol of resilience, wearing a crown.

In the face of oppression, I find my power,

Unleashing my spirit, blossoming like a flower.

So underestimate me at your own peril,

For I will rise, and my spirit will never falter.

I am a force to be reckoned with, strong and wise,

In my journey of liberation, I will forever rise.

nature poetryinspirational

About the Creator

Caleb Gold

"Creative wordsmith crafting captivating stories to inspire and entertain readers on a journey of imagination."

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