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I Love How Your Smile Tucks Itself in My Heartbeats


By Gregory D. WelchPublished 3 years ago 3 min read
I Love How Your Smile Tucks Itself in My Heartbeats
Photo by Debby Hudson on Unsplash

I love how your smile tucks itself in my heartbeats, folded up like a favorite love letter, one I take out and read often, sealed with a kiss and the soft sound of butterfly wings fluttering

Whatcha say darlin, let's meet up in the kitchen a little later, line the countertop with mason jars of wildflowers and a few candles, cut the lights out and hug each other up for a little swaying

It doesn't matter where I am, I close my eyes and there you are, little smiles, little peeks, and all the feels you make me feel

I can hear you laughing now, in between stolen kisses and surprise dips, a few twirls, and all the feels, let's scoot in close and cook up a little romance tonight, dancing in the soft flick flicker of candlelight

Hey darlin, whatcha say we meet up in the kitchen a little later and write our own recipe for some romance, dancing in the soft glow of all those candles, kissing in the sweet scent of all those wildflowers

I love writing these little poems in our little moments, whispering a little love in your ear just before I kiss it, laughing with you because it tickles, then hugging you up so close to say so much with just a few special words

We don't need any cookbooks for this kind of love, it just takes a little of you, and a little of me, a dash of your sweet kisses and a sprinkle of my lopsided grins, blend it all up with all the feels and let it simmer with some soft caresses of your face

Whatever we're doing - chasing butterflies, cuddling up close and touching each other's hearts, or dancing in the kitchen - it's all a little poetry written on our little moments

Hey darlin, you get the best of my poems because they're written in our little moments, hugged up close, kissing by candlelight, and melting into each other while we say so much with that special look and the grins you bring out of me

I just want to kiss you till your butterflies blush, and hear you say so much with just a few words, little looks, and all the feels, cuddling up close and stealing little kisses

You've written so many love songs with my skipped heartbeats, tucked them in our little moments with gentle touches, lacing your fingers with mine, whispering little whispers with all the feels

I love it when our hearts make music, your heart singing to mine and my heart singing back, little love songs tucked into little moments, all the feels and little looks that say so much

Hey beautiful, I just want to kiss you till your butterflies blush, till I feel them flutter from your heart to mine and back again, I just want to melt into you as you melt into me, catching you peeking at me with that special little look I love, the one that says so much

It doesn't matter where I am, all I have to do is close my eyes and there you are with every kiss, and every smile, every little look and every peek, every flutter of my skipped heartbeats, and all the little feels you make me feel

I love listening to the music our hearts make when they sing and dance together, as we kiss and cuddle, my hand caressing your face, and your little peeks before laying your head on my chest

I love how your smile tucks itself into my every heartbeat, folded up like a favorite little love note, one I take out and read often, sealed with little kisses and the soft sound of butterfly wings fluttering

love poems

About the Creator

Gregory D. Welch

Kentucky poet & scribbler. Inspiring creatives to live a creative lifestyle. Creating with courage, passion, & purpose-fueled growth. Progress over perfection.

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