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I Do Not Like the Dark

And it does not like me.

By A. RosePublished 7 years ago 3 min read

I do not like the dark. Hypothetically speaking

No one likes the dark, the dark embodies everything

That which is sent to destroy us, our souls, our

Very essence. I am not speaking hypothetically,

I am speaking literally. I do not like the dark

The absence of light, the opaque substance that

Washes over my skin as I fall asleep at night.

I do not like the dark because it is not warm,

It is like an old friend who had withered away and its

Touch brings chills through your spine. The way that

It's boney fingers wrap around your wrist to guide

You blindly through it does not make me want to

Follow willingly. The dark is like an old memory

That has found its way to the forefront of your mind,

A memory that is cold, saddening, and not what is

Needed to get you through your day. The dark

Is a small white and green pill that you are forced

To swallow lest your father will think you wish

To join the dark in its eternity that it has built

For you. No, the dark is not my friend, he is

A stranger that lurks at the end of the hall,

The hall that I must walk through to get to my bedroom

So that I can safely reside beneath the weight of my blankets

So that I may close my eyes and be enveloped in the

Light that bursts forth behind my eyelids. An endless

Stream of lights that lure me to sleep and when I wake

The dark will not be here for a few more hours.

They say that the fear of the dark is a childish, but

They do not see what I see when I look at the dark.

His glowing eyes peer into my soul and digs his rusty

Nails into my skin as he whispers in my ear that he will

Come back, night after night, until one day, I follow him

Into the endless abyss. However, I hope at the time that

My clock has stopped ticking that the light will be my

Savior from the grips of the dark. I do not want to be

Trapped inside the dark for the rest of eternity, no

My fear of the dark is far too great than that of the fear of

The unknown. I will venture out to places I have not

Been if that means I have escaped the grips of the dark.

I am afraid of the dark, there, I have said it. I am

Afraid of the dark because I have met it before. The

Dark is very much an old friend of mine, the first time

I met him, I was willing to sit and talk with him. We

Spoke of my memories and how they all turn to dust

Because there, where we were, memories did not matter.

No, the only thing that mattered was the dark and I, sitting

At that table, sipping on cool water that never really

Quenched our thirst. The dark is not my friend however,

Because in the time that we were conversing,

He led me to believe that I was safe from all the dangers

That wished to hurt me, but he was hiding behind a veil

And once I lifted that veil it hit me like a ton of bricks.

The dangers that he had promised to keep me safe from

We're all him. The dark is the embodiment of all things harmful

Yet he never wants us to believe that. In the dark, one could

Find the solitude that they need and while some may

Enjoy the dark, I am not one of those people. The dark

Is not my friend, he is not my savior, he is not something

That I wish to be around. Yes, I am afraid of the dark

But that fear pushed me to find what I really needed.

I needed the light because I was drenched in the foul

Smell of the dark and the light washed all that away.

The light is like honey and milk soap that glides over

My pale skin, washing away the dirt that the dark has

Left behind. I trust the light with everything I am

Because he has yet to hurt me and I very much doubt

That he will. The light is the friend that I have been

Looking for to get me through my days, he guides my

Path and I will follow because all around me, the dark

Resides except in that one small circumference where the

Light hangs above my head. I do not like the dark and the

Dark does not like me, so I will reside in the warm

Circle of the light and trust that my path will always be lit

So that I may continue on my journey, far, far away

From the dark.

sad poetryperformance poetry

About the Creator

A. Rose

Sometimes I write, other times I tell a story, it all depends on what lens I have on that day.

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    A. RoseWritten by A. Rose

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