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I call this the Roar,

They call it a war.

By Ángel SierraPublished 6 months ago Updated 6 months ago 4 min read
'War Is Hell' by Ho99o9 (Horror)

For the first time in their lives, white people are “scared.”

Because even though they deny there's anything wrong,

When their privileges and comfort are ripped from beneath their steady feet,

As the world cries out in

Heartbreak, anger, rage—

The ballad of oppression—

They cannot not see it.

It's everywhere.

In the streets, on their TV screens,

On their phones and timelines—

A blackout.

They can no longer be silent,

Though deafening it may seem,

Because if even in denial—

Still, they scream, “Sadness, sickness, heartache, fear.”

For the first time in their lives:

It's not about them.

It's about everyone.

All of us.

They are us.

This is the white man's problem because he made it so,

Then it's the white people's responsibility to make it right.

This is the Black people's fight.

We are them.

Be for them.

Defend them, please,

Protect them.

Accept, love them.


You cry out for your buildings and corporations?

Before a Black, grown man,

Crying out for his mama;

Lost his breath

Under the weight, the knee of a

White kkkiller cop?

You cry for privilege.

You cry for comfort.

You cry from your house,

Behind white fences,

Locked doors,

From your bed

That you will never be shot dead in.

They run in the streets

For freedom.

You run in the streets freely;

Shoot down a free man.

Walking dead men—

Is that what you see?

That's what you don't understand.

You don't understand fear.

Don't you dare say you're scared this time.

You're only scared your superiority will

At once

Not allow you to scare...

Rooted from...




They feel the fear that Black

And brown and all people alike

Had to move cities to make reverberate through their bones.

Too comfortable?

Where'd it go?


Hear them—



You will be alone

If you aren't willing to lend your home,

Your own.

It's not over.

Get uncomfortable.

 'This Is America' by Childish Gambino

***Written June 6th, 2020, around the time that one of the more monumental 'Black Lives Matter' demonstrations took place, globally, at least, and following the barbaric murder of George Floyd.

The police brutality that would ensuebringing more death to Black and brown lives, civilian hate crimes includedand finally be recognized as a real problem in the world as a whole, especially for its leading country, was brought to the forefront during these protests, further confirming the truth about America: It is racist. It is upheld by white supremacy, that in which goes hand in hand with government affairs and how it operates as a so-called democracy.

I wrote this out of sadness and lividness with the intent of, respectfully, not naming names, while certain details are specific to some of the more prominent stories that made news headlines that year and thereafter. Of course, the 'BLM' movement/chapter was founded much earlier in 2013 after the murders, committed by police, of Oscar Grant and Trayvon Martin.

Know that it did not start with George Floyd, Breonna Taylor or Elijah McClain. Nor Oscar, Trayvon or Alton... It did not start in 2012 or 2020. And it will not end until police brutality does. Until racism does. Alas.

"Defund the police" is a sort-of slogan you see tossed around, which you may not like the sound of—though it is a start and something I stand behind. To understand why, you must first understand the history behind police forces and the very root of their existence. And then, perhaps, question how qualified these individuals are as far as providing safety—and whom for? All things considered, that is, once you are informed.

I know I'm talking—writing—too much, so I urge you, once more, to get educated about the truth of America and its many twisted historical tales, as an American (of Latin descent, raised by first-generation immigrants). Because it is no one else's responsibility but our own to be in-the-know. I digress, as this isn't about me. It does concern us all, I must reiterate.

So I will leave you with some names that once belonged to bodies, in which they could not possibly amount to all the lives unaccounted for that went unacknowledged, sadly. Also, some questions: Do people's lives matter to you? If they look different than you, if they live in a country other than yours, if they are in your life at all... Or just until it happens to you?

'Lord Is Coming' by H.E.R. feat. YBN Cordae

social commentaryperformance poetry

About the Creator

Ángel Sierra

Rhymes, riddles, and occasionally, she giggles.

Every-writer, it's all in me... DO LOOK DOWN!

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  • Dharrsheena Raja Segarran6 months ago

    This broke my heart so much. It's just so tragic. I don't understand why people can't see that we're all humans.

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