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The color Pink.

By Julia AlfredPublished 3 years ago 1 min read


I embrace the color PINK.

Within it I find STRENGTH and POWER,

With no influence on how I SHOULD think.

I drink beers and can get very loud.

I can't sit through a sports game, hate shopping and any crowd.

I can pack a mean punch, with the risk of spraining my wrist.

And swoon in every Rom-Com when the heroine gets kissed.

Yes! I overthink,

And sometimes I have difficulties making a choice.

But I make up for it in my stand against injustice,

By making good use of my voice.

I dress up and wear make-up,

And own way too many shoes, purses and other girly things.

But I also love helping and expressing kindness,

And relish in the joy it brings.

I have dreams and aspirations,

And work hard to make them come through.

And I'm capable of so many things,

Much more than my paycheck and job claims I do.

I cook, clean and pay my own bills,

And have hopes to bear a child one day.

I am WOMAN and I wear PINK,

And I am PROUD in every way.


About the Creator

Julia Alfred

I am a born Dreamer leading an unbelievable life.Encountered people who match the villainous and heroic personas we read about in stories & done things I would surely do better.

A penny for my thoughts is worth it.

Visit Cathartic Whispers

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