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Of being human

By Shannon Marie LemirePublished about a year ago 2 min read
Photo by Colton Sturgeon on Unsplash

Dear Friend,

I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to you from far away, where I have lived for the past few months. I came here to learn more about myself and the world, to experience new things, and to challenge myself. I wanted to share with you some of the things I have learned and felt, and the joys and sorrows of being human.

One of the first things I learned is that being human is not easy. It is a complex and fragile condition, full of contradictions and paradoxes. We are capable of great love and great cruelty, great wisdom and great folly, great courage, and great fear. We constantly change and evolve, yet we also cling to our habits and beliefs. We seek meaning and purpose, yet we also doubt and question. We are social and emotional beings, yet we also need solitude and reflection.

Being human also means being vulnerable. We are exposed to many dangers and uncertainties, both physical and mental. We can get sick or injured; we can lose our loved ones or our possessions, we can face failure or rejection, we can suffer from loneliness or depression. We can also make mistakes or hurt others, either intentionally or unintentionally. We have to deal with the consequences of our actions and choices, and sometimes we have to face our guilt or regret.

But being human also means being resilient. We can overcome difficulties and hardships, heal and recover, learn and grow. We have the power to create and innovate, to express and communicate, to inspire and influence. We have the potential to achieve our goals and dreams, to make a difference in the world, and to leave a legacy. We can love and be loved, give and receive, connect and belong.

Being human is a journey, not a destination. It is a process of discovery, exploration, trial and error, success and failure. It is a quest for happiness and fulfillment, meaning and purpose, identity, and authenticity. It is a story of adventure, romance, comedy, tragedy, mystery, and wonder.

Being human is a gift, not a burden.

It is an opportunity, not a problem.

It is a privilege, not a right.

I hope you enjoy being human as much as I do. I hope you cherish every moment of your life, every breath you take, every emotion you feel, every thought you have. I hope you appreciate your strengths and weaknesses, your talents and flaws, and your achievements and failures. I hope you love yourself and others unconditionally.

Your friend,

Shannon Marie


About the Creator

Shannon Marie Lemire

Writing is a part of who I am; I go between handwritten lengthy journaling to sitting here glued in front of my laptop. As inspiration hits, I write; following the intuitive nudge on what to share.

You'll see many sides of me here.


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