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How? What are we Becoming?

What will it take?

By Kelli Sheckler-AmsdenPublished 3 years ago Updated 2 years ago 2 min read

How do you not know?

How do you not know how?!

It’s love.

It’s a part of you in its most beautiful form.

Its love.

You’re a mother of a perfect, beautiful child.

It’s love.

A gift not everyone is lucky enough to experience.

It’s love.

Pure love and adoration from a being only wanting to be with you, loved by you, cared for by you.

It’s love.

It’s love.

Shadowing , mimicking, striving to be like you.

To feel your love your attention your tenderness.

How can you withdraw and withhold it?

How can you not breathe them in?

How can you push them out, away?

How do you ignore the natural pull?



Lack of self confidence?

Lack of self esteem?

I am aware things can be difficult, I am not ignorant or unforgiving. I struggle with myself standing in judgement of this negligence, and seemingly irreverent attitude you display in your defense.

How do you not know instinctively and react accordingly to the basic needs of your flesh?

How can you look in that face and not melt. Not want every moment?


How can you overlook those needing glances?

How can you ignore the I love and adore you smile?

How can you not want to embrace the extended arms reaching for you?

How can you ignore sickness and pain?

What are you lacking to turn a blind eye?

I simply don’t understand.

Someone tell me. Please!!

How? Why?

What can we do?

What can I do?

I am vibrating, shaking, consumed in anger and disbelief at your complete disregard for the well being of this child you carried for 9 months.

The “mother “ in me weeps and agonizes at this perplexity

She is enraged at your disinterest

She is in fight mode to protect the life that didn't come from her, but loves in spite of that, because he deserves so much more!

She is confused and dismayed at your indifference!

He is fighting to live, struggling to breathe, longing to be loved and you play on your phone, indifferent, distracted!!

This mother is affected by your disengagement.

She is in protection mode.

She is watching, waiting and willing to give the love you withhold.

He will not go without love.

He is saturated with the love of all mothers who understand the true blessing that is your child.

performance poetry

About the Creator

Kelli Sheckler-Amsden

Telling stories my heart needs to tell <3 life is a journey, not a competition

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Comments (1)

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  • Cathy holmes2 years ago

    This is a powerful, emotional piece. Very well said. He's adorable.

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