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The Affair

By KikiPublished 3 years ago 1 min read
Their lust was ignited in a night and burned in equally short intervals.

They were made for uninhibited weekends. Every moment they spent together was a race against time. They depended deeply on the strategically planned escapes.

It was the heart-pounding anticipation that kept them alive, without it they both seemed to believe that their desire for life would extinguish into a myriad of smoldering ashes.

Hooked on adrenaline.

It simply never presented as feasible for either of them to place any limitation on the lengths they would go to, to keep their addiction fed. No reasonable notion had yet to arise in their daily lives that would allow either to endanger their rendezvouses.

The Mindset.

Their lust was ignited in a night and burned in equally short intervals.

Hooked on adrenaline.

Their infatuation was like steamy bath water that needed to be enjoyed quickly before it lost its warmth. The intensity of their scarce entanglements seemed to make up for the lack of longevity.

Neither ever asked for more nor expected any less. They each recognized the rarity of their compatibility in what they labeled love, but acted far more as lust.


Not many others would be satisfied with perpetual secrecy, but they held a rare, manic synchronicity.

Hooked on adrenaline.

They ended each diminutive session with ample longing mixed with a hint of incertitude; because would they ever know?

Really know if their abandon for one another was truly love or merely indulgent desire.

Only time would tell, and that was the irony of it.


<3 KC

love poems

About the Creator


Kiki Coll is a kind hippie with an earth mother’s soul. She enjoys unplanned adventures, familiar music, amateur photography, and manic cupcake baking! Life is all about the frosting!

Kiki's motto: Love and peace, pass it on!

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